UZI Talk Shoot 2007 - Attendees






If you haven't been to an UZI Talk shoot before, you can't fully comprehend how much fun it is to meet some of your on-line compatriots and find out who they really are. As in past years, the members that turned out for the event were a top notch bunch of guys. Everyone had something to learn, something to teach and a lot of ammo & guns to share. If you go to an UZI Talk shoot you'll definitely want to go again!







drw takes a look at DBinTexas' UZI grip frame to determine what might be causing the trigger to bind.


*** Click on photos to enlarge ***

Scooty Puff and kyle having a good time Trent, Jmacken37 and John C discussing the gun industry
nationwide, Glenn and hrt4me at the buffet table. Austin with the UZI
r and 0331 relaxing under the tent. Don't worry, be happy. Michael and the UZI Carbine.
1 Shot picks out a target in the river. Stryker112, Draftee and Vegas SMG look on during the safety meeting
Chili17 in the penalty box. drw with his shorty M16/9
kmw1970 arrives in the style with his Range Rover Ranger55 and the M16.
Glenn discusses the FNC with James Carla shooting in her first subgun match.
Jmacken37 and ScooterTrash Brother_Evil was intensely happy the whole weekend.
beechinbeemer with his Ruger AAC556 SubGunFan and Jmacken37 trying out the MK760
SubGunFan loves his S&W76! Stryker112 and kyle comparing notes.
Coronelli and his lovely wife enjoying the events. IMINI hoping for some good luck in the subgun match
texasvwnut looking for a photo op. Doctor_Evil rips it with his MGI in 7.62x39
Scooty Puff Sr. getting the UZI ready for the match. John Matrix tries Mini UZI with .45 conversion.
y2k87k2000 goes for the mall ninja look. r and the SW76.
Brother_Evil with the M16. jdment and the UZI carbine
Jason, hrt4me, 0331 and Renegade watching the match. Darren with the MP5
After a long day of scoring, James gets to run the subgun course with the MP5. texasvwnut plinking with his target pistol.
SubGunFan and Ranger55 Taking a break from the black powder cannon.
Coronelli shows of the MP18 kyle going with the Sterling
Austin, Jeff and Chris wait for their turn at the match Shooting some clay pigeons.
Stryker112 and the M16 ScooterTrash and Carla loading mags as fast as they can.
RoverDave and Chili17 getting everyone checked in for the event. James tries out the new top cover on his UZI
Jmacken37 predicting his outcome in the match Doctor_Evil and Cousin_Evil
DBinTexas tries out the MAC-10 SubGunFan always had the camera handy.
James scores SubGunFan in the match. What does Jmacken37 think of the UZI Talk shoot?
Snakes? Snakes don't bother me. MP5
1 Shot dreaming of a victory in the subgun match - and it comes true! Cousin Evil and Vegas SMG - rock stars!
A long day of score keeping for okpud1. IMINI with his hot goggles.
RoverDave taking out some clay pigeons with the Tromix Saiga. Carla practicing with the UZI.
kmw1970 with the full size UZI. The good, the bad, and the Evil.
Ammo shortage? What ammo shortage? Preparing the cannon for another shot.
A duel at one pace. Who has the best weapon? Trying out the FN FS2000.
Stryker112 and his V53. DBintexas with his unique off-hand style.
A great vantage point. Some clay pigeon action.
Trent reviews product feedback. Yes dear. I promise I won't go to the strip club tonight.
Yeah, but mine is longer than yours. I'll give you $10 if you guarantee that I win a trophy.
Jmacken37 helping Michael with the M11/9. A case full of whoop ass.
A bag full of fun. Gongs 300 yards down river.


Saturday morning welcome and safety discussion.

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