Mini Uzi full auto bolts Available


Well-known member
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Jan 29, 2019
Closed bolt fires from a closed position like a semi and has a floating firing pin and carrier. Fully supported lip on the bottom of the bolt face.
No feet.
Need pictures, I was offered
what i thought were semi auto bolts and passed on them. need details.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Apr 17, 2004
Need pictures, I was offered
what i thought were semi auto bolts and passed on them. need details.

Can you post the pictures of the "New" Mini Uzi bolts that you are getting in and the pictures of what you thought were semi-auto bolts? I'm guessing that we will be able to help you out and determine what they are. The more pictures/angles of the bolts the better.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 34 / 0 / 0
Dec 25, 2002
I would love to have a full auto mini closed bolt. I have a registered sear.
Assuming that you have a registered open bolt sear, you should get the front bottom side of the closed bolt milled so you don't have to cut your sear. May also profile the striker arm to match the open bolt sear profile as well


New member
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Feb 13, 2006
Assuming that you have a registered open bolt sear, you should get the front bottom side of the closed bolt milled so you don't have to cut your sear. May also profile the striker arm to match the open bolt sear profile as well
I also have a registered sear. What exactly needs to milled on the mini closed bolt and striker to make this work for my registered double-sided sear?


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 34 / 0 / 0
Dec 25, 2002
Here is an old picture of some bolts I no longer own showing the difference.
Bottom one shows the relief cut.
Regarding the striker arm, just match the profile of the SMG sear so the geometry mates.


Well-known member
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Jan 29, 2019
What is the price on bolts and recoil springs?
Gents, The springs for the mini uzi just cleared customs, so I have put up just a few to meet the demand.



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ID4630970 ::
CategoryMcKay Parts > Uzi Parts
ManufacturerMcKay Enterprises


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Feb 17, 2013
winston salem NC
I received this email a couple days ago (just saw it earlier this evening when I got back in town) and just now have confirmed with scotty57 that it was not sent by him.

"Good Evening,
I've got some Mini Uzi full auto bolts available for sale.
Are you still interested?"

The email address they used was and used the name of Thomas Stewart.
The real Thomas Stewart is a dealer who posts alot on Sturm. His correct address is
Be real careful folks. People have been getting ripped off by impersonators lately and they find out what you are looking for by reading posts like this.
I recomend communicating with IM only until you know who you are dealing with. That way all messages are saved by the Uzitalk staff and that you have a far better chance of communicating with the real user of that account. Now if someones account gets compromised that is a whole different issue................
Be careful folks. I just about got taken for a ride.

The real Thomas Stewart just got back to me an confirmed that he did not send me that email and that it is a scammer.

I received my recoil springs the other day. They look great, thank you. I eagerly await the Barrel Exchange bolts...........
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UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 9 / 0 / 0
Jan 8, 2010
I received this email a couple days ago (just saw it earlier this evening when I got back in town) and just now have confirmed with scotty57 that it was not sent by him.

"Good Evening,
I've got some Mini Uzi full auto bolts available for sale.
Are you still interested?"

The email address they used was and used the name of Thomas Stewart.
The real Thomas Stewart is a dealer who posts alot on Sturm. His correct address is
Be real careful folks. People have been getting ripped off by impersonators lately and they find out what you are looking for by reading posts like this.
I recomend communicating with IM only until you know who you are dealing with. That way all messages are saved by the Uzitalk staff and that you have a far better chance of communicating with the real user of that account. Now if someones account gets compromised that is a whole different issue................
Be careful folks. I just about got taken for a ride.

The real Thomas Stewart just got back to me an confirmed that he did not send me that email and that it is a scammer.

I received my recoil springs the other day. They look great, thank you. I eagerly await the Barrel Exchange bolts...........

This type of scam has just recently been hitting numerous gun boards. I heard of a dude getting scammed for $4,500 in an ammo deal like this.

Last week after I replied to a WTS ad on Sturm some scammer emailed me back and proceeded to impersonate the original poster/seller …using a Hotmail address with the appropriate prefix.

Here’s how it works.
You publicly respond to a forum ad - “I’ll take it “or “PM sent” or whatever. The scammer then goes and creates an email VERY similar to the real seller. Then the scammer scrapes the internet and esp that gun board until they find your email. Then they email your email from their scam email sealing the deal and telling you how to pay.

Be warned.

This needs to be spread far and wide.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Apr 17, 2004
Thanks @trilogymac, I did see that one from scotty57 on GB.

I was wondering if anyone, that asked to be put on the list, was contacted yet.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 34 / 0 / 0
Dec 25, 2002
WOW. $1350 for a stripped Mini bolt.

I'm way too cheap!!!
People will pay top dollar for something that is genuine IMI from a collector perspective. I know you already know all this...Just posting for anyone else reading that may not be familiar with barrelxchange.

From a shooter's perspective, I would say your Mini bolt is superior to an IMI Mini bolt since they are modular and you can play with the weights to go super fast or slow down to make the Mini have a totally different feel or even match a factory bolt if that is what you want.

I need to do another cyclic rate test as it has been a long time. I think I got 1749 RPM running my Micro in closed bolt but the closed bolt is not as reliable as open bolt. In addition, closed bolt UZI's don't take advantage of API which absorbs the initial recoil impulse like open bolt does and I personally never liked full auto UZI's in closed bolt because of that....(actually don't like closed bolt UZI's period. Semi auto closed bolt UZI's have the same problem).
For those that don't know a closed bolt Micro and closed bolt Mini use the same recoil spring assembly and have the same bolt assembly travel distance so cyclic rate is the same.

Going with no weights in the barrelxchange heavy bolt should yield a very high cyclic rate yet retain the reliability of open bolt as well as taking advantage of the API principle for a smoother impulse.
Is it a 'true' IMI configuration? No, but from a shooter's perspective...who cares.

I did this test a long time ago but can't the posts or documentation on it so will try to do it again.
I also have high speed camera now that will do 960 FPS in HD quality so it would be interesting to see a comparison of a closed bolt Mini vs LW open bolt, vs standard vs heavy.

Always been pleased with everything I got from you.
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Well-known member
Feedback: 1 / 0 / 0
Jan 29, 2019
The bolts are IN! For your convenience they are on my website. There are two types, the original with the "feet" and they sent me several without feet. There are not a lot, so when you submit the order, Please in the comments Not your from UZITALK, or i will cancel you order, and refund your money. You will receive tracking within a day or so of ordering.

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