Ben Dover
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  • Pete,

    I hope you're doing well. Sorry I missed seeing you at SAR this year, but I was unable to make it due to work. I relocated to AZ this past year and am currently living in Gold Canyon.

    My son is getting out the Army in a couple of months, and I'm wondering if you know of any Engineering/Consulting firms that may be interested in a new Mechanical Engineer (West Point, Class of '07). If so, I'd really appreciate any info you could share. He is currently stationed in Barstow, CA and would like to relocate to the Phoenix area once he's out.

    Thanks in advance!

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    Reactions: Ben Dover
    Ben Dover
    Ben Dover

    I've been out of touch.. sorry.. but if he's still interested, I highly recommend: LSW Engineers, 602-249-1320

    I worked for them for 20 years!! Great outfit! Best of luck!!
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