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  1. Renegade

    Information on Hk conversions needed

    Dont get any MG with a conversion device (Sear, Box, etc) that is "married receiver". Get a clean standalone conversion device you can move around.
  2. Renegade

    Pre-86 to transferable

    If you believe I was telling people to get an FFL/SOT and buy ONE pre-sample, never renew your FFL/SOT and never sell the gun, Um, OK. File it under "things nobody has EVER done". eta Here 20+ years, I have never advocated doing anything improper. It just seems obvious folks who get FFLs...
  3. Renegade

    Pre-86 to transferable

    Making Post Samples? You have drifted pretty far from the original line of discussion. Once again, getting an FFL/SOT to buy low and sell high is a legitimate business model, turns a profit and will get no scrutiny.
  4. Renegade

    Pre-86 to transferable

    In 30+ years, I have never met any FFL who did it "just to enhance your private collection". Even if that was your original intent, one will quickly find out that from buy/sell to gunsmithing to wholesaling, to xfers, it has never been easier to be in the business. Even if you ONLY bought...
  5. Renegade

    Pre-86 to transferable

    "if this ruling gets rolled back" ATF has never allowed an entity (individual/SOT/LE) to keep a machine gun if they determined it was incorrectly transferred/possessed, even if it was their error in approving the xfer. Even if they did allow you to keep it if this was rolled back, the collector...
  6. Renegade

    Pre-86 to transferable

    FFLs with Pre-May guns are going to make more money, and dumb collectors are going to lose a lot when this gets overturned.
  7. Renegade

    Opinions please. I have a Colt M-16 A2 transferable factory gun

    Did it come with a bipod attached? I have an A2 SSA HBAR with bipod.
  8. Renegade

    "New Transferrables" - What all have you seen or head of?

    "Dealer Sample" (more correctly SALES SAMPLE) is not common language. It was a specific class of NFA after GCA68 banned NFA imports. Criteria was whether it was import by a FFL for their sales inventory, or imported directly to LE. Here is F3 approval for my SALES SAMPLE Uzi/MG:
  9. Renegade

    "New Transferrables" - What all have you seen or head of?

    1) Text you quoted clearly says "Dealer Sample". 2) Where it comes from (PD) does not matter. It has to not enter the country as a Dealer Sample.
  10. Renegade

    "New Transferrables" - What all have you seen or head of?

    Not all pre-samples were eligible to be transferable. "Dealer Sample" is specifically NOT transferable. Know before you go.
  11. Renegade

    FRT15 and Rare Breed and ATF suit

    "She [judge] also said probable cause exists that they did not register the devices to conceal their sale from the ATF." Yeah, No. They did not register them becuase even a 5 year old can read the law and see they do not meet the definition of Machine Gun.
  12. Renegade

    No more sharing of NFA items?

    Came out this am “The Q&A currently listed on the eforms account is incorrect. In this scenario, the registered owner of the NFA weapon is co-located with the firearm and thus no transfer has occurred. However, if the person firing the NFA weapon is prohibited from possessing the firearm...
  13. Renegade

    M11 semi used in CA Chinese New Year massacre?

    It was an SWD M11/9 with homemade silencer. Unknown if it was F/A or not.
  14. Renegade

    Any realistic way to determine prior to purchase if blocking bar was originally removed?

    I never submitted a letter describing how I did it either. I did some sears (1982, 1985, 1986) and most boxes were N/A. AR-15? HK? Glock? Only I know.
  15. Renegade

    I've never seen a transferable one of these before!

    Maybe he needs it out of inventory fast. F3 is no big deal now since SOT-SOT get processed so fast (unless there is no SOT in your area).
  16. Renegade

    Most wanted mp5 configuration?

    Best for me a standard MP5A2. Most desirable Transferable IMO is a registered box, not a sear.
  17. Renegade

    Multi caliber upper Classification mystery

    If the bore is over 1/2", it is a DD unless you have an exemption.
  18. Renegade

    Full Auto Uzis questions, regarding IMI conversions

    Avoid a gun that is not properly registered.
  19. Renegade

    Old ATF or Treasury video of MG conversions link

    He copped a plea for 1 unlawful xfer of a MG. He got screwed on the enhanced sentence for a Grease Gun though.
  20. Renegade

    The New "swapping uppers" ATF Letter

    Yup. The risk here is if you send that letter, and a few years from now ATF, or worse a court decides that a caliber, BBL length or OAL change is a taxable event, your gun is now a known post sample. Keep in mind a caliber or OAL change on a silencer is already a taxable event. Not to hard to...

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