Search results

  1. Jimmy2Times

    What are these receiver pieces worth?

    Just to give you guys a heads up, I sold the pieces for $45 within minutes of posting the add on Bower's board. Several people responded to the add wanting them. So if you got em, that's what they're worth. Also, DSA Sells the front piece by itself for like $40.
  2. Jimmy2Times

    What are these receiver pieces worth?

    The front piece has a nice trunnion and bayo lug. No markings (other than a serial #) on the rear piece. I'll be putting them up for sale once I figure out what they're worth. Thanks, -J2T
  3. Jimmy2Times

    Anyone ever used a escrow service to buy a MG?

    It's very simple. Buy from a reputable dealer. Then you have no worries. There are plenty of reputable dealers (including many right here on this board, myself included) out there with plenty of inventory. No matter who you decide to buy from, make sure you run their name through the Board Of...
  4. Jimmy2Times

    Spikes .22 SBR

    LOL!!!!!!! Dude you have an awesome rig there. I'm building one right now, can you tell me what rail setup that is and what bbl length you have??? Thanks!!!!!!!!
  5. Jimmy2Times

    Spikes .22 SBR

  6. Jimmy2Times

    Looking for input on SW (Special Weapons) 76 semi

    IIRC, when SOG was selling them not too long ago they were about $350. I could be wrong, though.
  7. Jimmy2Times

    SubKal Barrel Woes. Damn Squib

    I've had several squibs running subcal ammo through my uzi with a subcal barrel. My barrel is fine, it's in great shape, I think it's more the ammo than anything. I think what happens a lot is the barrel gets fouled with the plastic that the BB is contained in, and this is why the jams occur...
  8. Jimmy2Times

    Kimber 1911's...

    Speaking of Kimbers, lemme axe you guys a question. I know a lot of models of Kimber 1911s require some stupid pin looking tool thing to break them down. Does anybody know if this is on all models of Kimbers or just some? For example, I want a Kimber Desert Warrior but I refuse to own a weapon...
  9. Jimmy2Times

    New Toy

  10. Jimmy2Times

    Info and pricing needed -- old .22s and an old .410

    A CAS shooter would probably give you something for them, but not money. You could probably get paid with an unforgettable trip to the highway rest area or the local Greyhound station men's room though. Wooo! Ride 'em, cowboy!
  11. Jimmy2Times

    good cheap snub revolver?

    Noah Zark's advice is right on. I'd look for my personal favorite, a lightly used S&W model 60. Also, you may want to try and find a Ruger Security Six snubbie.
  12. Jimmy2Times

    Head's up on Wolff Ammo

    Do not ever use steel cased ammo. It will blow your gun up.
  13. Jimmy2Times

    History Channel FYI

    It will probably get bumped for the latest season of "Deadliest Catch" or "Hitler's Honeys" or some such shit. Anyway, I never knew that the M16 was the most powerful battle rifle ever fielded. Fuck, you learn something every day.
  14. Jimmy2Times

    Century's Galil

    Taco supreme.
  15. Jimmy2Times

    New Toy

    Don't let anyone shit on you about the Rock Island. Rock Island 1911s are awesome. I've shot Rock Islands that function better than most Springfields and Kimbers. People go overboard with overpriced handguns. Most of those guns won't function because the tolerances are too tight and the 1911 was...
  16. Jimmy2Times

    Boston Globe "Straw Purchase" Backfires in ATF Investigation:

    Exactly. And exactly why gun laws, of any type, will never stop a fucking thing. Criminals break laws. It's what they do. If someone doesn't care about committing murder, they certainly aren't going to care about breaking a gun law to do it. It's already illegal to kill someone, what is...
  17. Jimmy2Times

    Day at the Range with RoverDave...

    I hope RD didn't try to grab your ass.
  18. Jimmy2Times

    Laugh if you must about the Hi Pouint 9mm carbine

    No financial snobbery here, either. I think the MP5SD is almost as big a piece of junk as the hi-point carbine.
  19. Jimmy2Times

    Laugh if you must about the Hi Pouint 9mm carbine

  20. Jimmy2Times

    .223 VS 5.56


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