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  1. kmw1970

    How to tell mfg of semi mini Uzi barrel?

    Thanks Dave!
  2. kmw1970

    How to tell mfg of semi mini Uzi barrel?

    I have a 19" semi mini Uzi barrel, chrome lined, marked "058" and "(P)". Is this IMI? Thanks.
  3. kmw1970

    Holster for the .22LR pistol

    Here's the one Zahal sells. Wish they had them in black still.
  4. kmw1970

    Mini uzi stock: not ver comfortable, any solutions?

    Must...fight...urge to....Chopper HTFU video... I've seen some people wrap them, but my 5' tall wife doesn't complain about the comfort or length of pull on hers. Maybe a micro stock? Take a look at
  5. kmw1970

    I need a 9mm pistol bolt

    ...and I've got a 9mm mini bolt. How hard is this sucker? I may have a couple of carbide end-mills (I don't remember). Easier to machine or try and trade?
  6. kmw1970

    CZ SP-01 Shadow

    +1 on the Kadet conversion. It's the only .22 pistol I own, I see no reason in having anything else.
  7. kmw1970

    CZ SP-01 Shadow

    I've carried a CZ-75 for years; mine is a pre-B model, made in '84. Hell of a gun. I've considered getting an SP01 or better yet a Pro-Tek II. Nice piece you've got there, to me beats the hell out of the popular plastic framed nonsense.
  8. kmw1970

    Bad Experience with RTG Parts /

    I've always had good experiences and received good stuff (Uzi mags, Makarov mags, MG42 stuff) from Robert. Be realistic; all gun related businesses are swamped right now, and some of them (like Robert's) are ma and pa operations that don't have fancy automatic inventory updates on their web...
  9. kmw1970

    His and her's Mini's

    Very nice. I really need to get my wife a ported/compensated barrel for hers.
  10. kmw1970

    suppressor for a Stemple

    And only a couple of sips of possum slobber.
  11. kmw1970

    Excellent article: brass vs steel cased

    It was a great read; but then as an engineer I'm partial to nerdy technical research. As a side note, isn't it interesting how utterly unreliable those dirty DI ARs were? :rolleyes
  12. kmw1970

    Excellent article: brass vs steel cased

    If you love seeing analytic analysis of firearms concerns opposed to hype and marketing, this is an excellent write up of a great research project comparing brass and steel cased ammo using ARs as a test bed:
  13. kmw1970

    My new UZI

    I know all 320s were supposed to have a thumbhole stock, and it's hard to say from that picture, but it sure looks like the third 320 I've seen with a stock like that. I owned one, it was long since 922'd and sold. There will be a bracket bolted to the receiver. The stock will be held to the...
  14. kmw1970

    M-203 legal to own question

    Adam12 is right; and there's a lot of this in the DD world. Basically a receiver or firing mechanism, on its own is a not a DD, but with a barrel it is. If you ever read the NFA or 34 and understand what it says about DD this will make sense. A destructive device is defined (among other...
  15. kmw1970

    M-203 legal to own question

    Receiver on its own is a title i weapon, transfers just like a shotgun. With a 40mm barrel it is a destructive device. Yes, like anything else, you can legally get HE rounds, but each one is a) a destructive device and b) expensive, and c) difficult to find, but not impossible. That's like...
  16. kmw1970

    The Knights Armament Chainsaw LMG..... What?????

    Arg, but why a 37mm when Knight's makes M203s?
  17. kmw1970

    Honduran Police Galil?

    lcastillo, thanks for the amazing images and information. You could turn this UziTalk thread in to a book!
  18. kmw1970

    FAL Headspacing Problems

    Well, I dug the other rifles out and swapped bolts around. This receiver headspaces easily with the other bolts, some I'm going to go that route. Already have a bolt in-bound.
  19. kmw1970

    FAL Headspacing Problems

    This is my third FAL build. It's actually been sitting for a while, I decided to pull it out and finish it for some much needed R&R. DS Arms receiver. Very nice Austria STG-58 barrel. Headspaces nicely on a .256" gauge pin, but not on .256" locking shoulder. What I've done: 1) measured...
  20. kmw1970

    Uzi Suppressors

    I'm a little late to the thread here. We've got a Mossad II shared between a full size and mini SBR. Nice can; I've debated whether we should get another one or some kind of multi-mount. It wouldn't surprise me if I end up taking the path of getting a second one.

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