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  1. D

    Hello sir, I'd be interested in 1 bolt if you have any left.

    Hello sir, I'd be interested in 1 bolt if you have any left.
  2. D

    FN FNC Bolt

    Link to pics of a cracked bolt.
  3. D

    FN FNC Bolt

    Found an old link
  4. D

    FN FNC Bolt

    Dos r purdy
  5. D

    What can guarantee a new FNC owner a rifle for life?

    Years ago, a FA could be had for around 7 and a semi for less than 2 (and way way less when they first came in). Add a sear plus conversion, and then you'd be in the 5 to 7 range. Many have bought a semi as a spare, but these days, even a semi FNC is pricey. You'd be in up to 30 grand...
  6. D

    16 inch Law enforcement model?

    Correct and with a Howco stamp on the upper as the pic shows. Only serial number is vertical on the left rear lower where the stock attaches.
  7. D

    My new FNC RR what are must have add ons?

    Zohan, yours doesn't look like the S&H sear I'm used to seeing below...BUT, S&H did change the way they installed sears. Yours is the latest way instead all the material milled away. Maybe they modify the sears now too?
  8. D

    My new FNC RR what are must have add ons?

    If you can, get a StormWerkz rail. Rock solid.
  9. D

    Serial number prefix question

    That would be correct for the Howco marked FNC. What's strange is that standard 18" FNC's had serials on the upper. At one time, the ATF considered the lower as the firearm, then changed it to the upper. As talked about before in this forum, one could conceivably buy an upper with no serial and...
  10. D

    This a real Belgian issue FNC lower? Calling Paco...

    Thank you Paco. Nice score navgunner, now build something nice with it.
  11. D

    This a real Belgian issue FNC lower? Calling Paco...

    Looks like one.
  12. D

    Value of NOS firing pins

    +1 for the ones made by I also had an original FNC FP break and bought 1 each of the SS and Ti. The tip of the Ti one broke/punctured the primer at about 800 rds. No harm to the FN. Switched to the SS and haven't looked back.
  13. D

    Serial number prefix question

    Since it started as a 16", it's gotta be Howco marked. Over the decades, I keep hearing these were for a law enforcement order. Maybe SO stands for special order? My 2 are Howco's and SO prefix serials. They did have the shorter barrel and different flash hider. The sporter marked versions have...
  14. D

    New FNC video

    Round button for mag release. The clicks are pretty loud and positive for the selector. It probably has the updated spring. I'd say it's the real deal.
  15. D

    Gas Block Adjustment Screw

    As far as messing around with it, see thread below. Pretty sure there's another that called out the thread size, but I haven't found it yet.
  16. D

    Gas Block Adjustment Screw

    I swear when I first wanted a FNC, I saw what you're talking about. Don't see how there could be one though since anything over that screw could interfere with the handguard clip. No evidence of one ever being placed on it.
  17. D

    FNC buffer plate - plastic vs. metal?

    Nope. Can't do that with a first gen recoil guide because of the roll pin at the end of the guide rod...different design. The second gen guide looks the same as the last gen guide with the exception of the plastic plate and the metal clip. They should all fit into any FNC carrier assembly.
  18. D

    Slippage on automatic sear axis pin (522)

    Not uncommon to hear of. Stake it or mushroom the head slightly.
  19. D

    FNC buffer plate - plastic vs. metal?

    The plastic version is much easier to disassemble and being plastic, acts as a buffer between the carrier and lower.
  20. D

    FNC Bolt Catch

    I use it only when the rangedick wants everyone to stop firing and put things in a safe condition.

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