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  1. C

    UZI Trigger Upgrades

    Looking to improve my Vector UZI trigger, any equivalent out there to a geissele trigger ?
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    Galil ACE Gen1 Handguard Mounting Screws

    Anyone know the mounting screw size for a Galil ACE Gen1 ?
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    Uzi tri-lug barrel

    Semi auto, full size
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    Uzi tri-lug barrel

    Anyone have a low down on where I can get one?
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    Uzi Supressor

    Any recommendations for a suprrssor for my vector uzi ? I kinda want a sionics supressor.
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    Anyone talk to Jeff@Hillbilly Firearms recently?

    Talked to him this morning. Remember, the more time he is on the phone, the less time he is building galils.
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    Gall Ace pistol SBR and 922r
  8. C

    Gall Ace pistol SBR and 922r

    Refer to The "Galil" has 15 made foreign parts. Assuming a magpul mag, american hand guard, and a american muzzle break you are fine. If you are having one built use a tapco trigger. Yes 922 does apply, the ATF has ruled on this a couple of times. I dont know much about the 7.62x39...
  9. C

    Gall Ace pistol SBR and 922r

    Did some digging and hear me out. According to the galil rife has 15 parts. So five parts would need to be swapped. Since I have pistol only 4 parts need to be swapped. So theoretically I only need to use amercian mags, american butt stock, and american handgaurd and I should be fine.
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    Gall Ace pistol SBR and 922r

    According to the ATF yes.
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    Vector UZI Carbine and 922r

    Got a question on the Vector UZI carbine. Before I get to the question please no smart comments on the BS of 922R. All I want is to get to the bottom of the line and stick to the facts. Were the original Vector UZI carbine rifle 922R compliant? Thanks
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    Gall Ace pistol SBR and 922r

    Does any one know how many parts need to be swaped to make a galil ace pustol 922r compliant when SBRing? Please don't let this turn into a 922r debate
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    SIONICS - Suppressor Unobtanium?

    I kind of want a Sionics suppressor for my uzi. Do these still exist? Are they any good and worth the money?
  14. C

    Galil/AK Trigger Compatibility?

    I have a Tapco double hook in mine and it works fine.
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    Galil AR Railed Gas Tube

    Why not consider a railed handguard from 24hour tatical?
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    UZI Tri-Lug Barrels

    What are you guys using for barrels to mount a tri-lug mounted suppressor? I don't see how a threaded barrel will work with a tri-lug mount as the barrel nut wont fit. Thanks
  17. C

    Galil orlite mag fitting

    Got ahold some orlite mags. I cant get the mags to lock in. Is this typical? What is the consensus on these?

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