Search results

  1. N

    List of companies who actually make UZI barrels?

    Pike and their sister company Tactical Innovations. (assuming since similar price and promotions). McKay (barrel chamber looks different entry radius than Pike) I bought a nice Mini Barrel from Green Mountain, Sarcoinc offers barrels in the white (short one still in stock) though my gunsmith...
  2. N

    MODEL A front sight

    Up / Down is obvious, I did trial and error for left and right, like slimshady said you can't go by counterclockwise etc because if the post is closer to the middle of the gun counterclockwise moves the post left to right, if the post i is closer to the barrel end counterclockwise moves the post...
  3. N

    Mini and or Micro Uzi Bolts

    You can post photos here too, but amphibian said it all. Will you sell them here? or ?? How many do you have to offer?
  4. N

    Uzi fixed stock L bracket question

    If you read that link or You need to make a hollow area for the head of a bolt and your washer in the poly stock you have. The nut from the gun into the...
  5. N

    Uzi fixed stock L bracket question

    Unsure of that particular bracket, but (MY OPINION ONLY) if you are converting to Fixed stock that looks to be a good start. It does not have the quick disconnect lever and features, (good). The threaded holes are what you need, because you would bolt from the bottom up into that bracket. I...
  6. N

    Transferable micro UZI pistol to SMG lots of options depending on what you own.
  7. N

    Legality question

    I bought a welded shut folding stock from BWE when they were around for just that purpose. If the OP started with a pistol build that is kosher, from reading... like with AR's you can't just decide to convert to a pistol if you started with a rifle. Not all states require pistol marked receivers...
  8. N

    Uzi extractors

    Tried your site at opening of business, not working, but all good now. Glad you provide us all with great products!
  9. N

    What are these parts worth

    Trilogymac has it correct, though lowers (grip stick) you can find DES ones online for as little as $45 most are $75 Stock $29 Shipping adds to the price difference. ARS stick could be more money or less available. You can put them all on gunbroker, in groups or all together or just wait till...
  10. N

    UZI Extractors

    I agree I hope some reseller did not grab them all. (I can name a few on GB). I too have some Sarco's in my mix I would like to replace.
  11. N

    Quality Full Size Grip Sets

    Why new? Are you going for 922R compliance then yes perhaps aftermarket for both the grip and the handguard. BUT like others have said APEX for handguard and for the grip, OR get full Trigger pack grip stick for like $75 all over gunbroker, RTG Etc and have some spare parts like sear. If you...
  12. N

    Looking for Barrel Nut and Retainer/Spring

    +1 on DSArms, great shipping and experience. Buy a couple retainers since it wears more than the nut. You should always push in on it not spin to hear the ratchet sound!!!! . Also a decent bayonet (well in 2023 pricing). Barrel nut hard to beat for like...
  13. N

    Semi Auto Sear Verification Help

    I really can't see from your pics. From what I know, the Mini and maybe micro have one sear pad sticking up. Beyond that the difference in how the pad is cut semi vs smg could be shown in this site's reference section and also here with good photos
  14. N

    UZI alignment tools

    So I guess you need a barrel substitute / rod style alignment tool. I have seen some that go all the way through the endplate. Contact Mini14Rus on gunbroker or Reddit. He sells aluminium barrel type alignment tools that go into your trunnion and feed ramp to align things...
  15. N

    New Member - First UZI

    I have bought a few Pike Arms barrels. Tactical Inc is a sister site for them IMO but you can check sales between them, and any shipping deals.
  16. N

    Uzi Welding Jigs

    How did the barrel only jig work out? I think I got one (unused so far) from Mini14Rus on GB or Reddit.
  17. N

    German surplus grip assembly questions

    You have me curious about the stop dog now. The library shows the selector lever and the bolt lock that work together. Omit the bolt lock. Your receiver would need clearance for it to stick up. I left my selector as is but next time apart I am going to trim it like the early ones cutting the...
  18. N

    Where to get Uzi Extractors?

    Either Ejector or Extractor go to Gunbroker, look at the UZI Parts auctions, write the new owner of Vector which is Viperdrvr Here is an extractor sold by him among his other items. I bought 2 ejectors from him last year. Very nice guy. You can also...
  19. N

    IWI parts?

    I noticed and posted about it in passing about the MINI Ejectors one time in the last couple months. I think one smaller resource probably got the items I can't guess by the current gunbroker items. The new best place for small items is the new Vector Arms (viperdrver on GB) Or post here what...
  20. N

    Uzi pistol stock attachment

    I would reach out to Title II arms, "Guy" was very helpful when I purchased items. Only he can tell you if the hinge and stock are compatible, but seeing they make the parts you should be able to get what you need. So this is an old...

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