Search results

  1. pcso112

    any one deal with David Spiwak

    Problem, but would deal with again. He has a very good reputation. However, I bought what was an excellent condition Colt SP1 conversion from him. I am told he spends his winters in Florida and his brother in law runs the shop in his absents. I made the deal, filled out the paper work and wrote...
  2. pcso112

    Problems with a Serpa holster

    Anyone carrying a Blackhawk Serpa holster keep this in mind. They make a duty, tactical and concealment holster in this line all with the same index finger release. For whatever reason the brass had us on the firing line qualifying some of the reserves and constables on a holiday weekend. One of...
  3. pcso112

    Who’s got the best parts kits?

    I have had my Uzi Vector SMG for a while now and have had a lot of fun with it. After recently trying to find a once plentiful and cheap (ten years ago) G3 kit got me to thinking what may be in store for Uzi kits ten or more years from now. With that in mind I want to put a few SMG parts kits...
  4. pcso112

    Optics for 300 Whisper

    All my bolt gun scopes are Leupold’s with TMR. My 300 is a very similar to what you have described. I currently have a VX3 with M1 knobs, but they are a pain to use because of the amount of adjustment necessary for the trajectory. When I get around to it I will replace the current scope with a...
  5. pcso112

    Aluminum vs. Steel RDIAS

    What are your thoughts on Aluminum vs. Steel bodied AR15 RDIAS? It seems that that the aluminum ones are selling for quite a bit less than the steel ones. (2k-3k) No question that the steel sear is stronger and will in theory outlast the aluminum sear. However I have seen some military M16’s...
  6. pcso112

    full autos and cops

    LEO’s like everyone else are a cross section of society made up mostly of type A personalities. Some good, some not so much. We don’t like working with the pecker heads of the group either, but thanks to unions “ the connected” and out of touch department heads those types will always be around...
  7. pcso112

    Will a RDIAS work in one of the new AR-10’s?

    I am mulling over purchasing a RDIAS and would like to know if it will work in my Armalite AR-10? Who has the parts and is it legal?
  8. pcso112

    CMMG gas piston drop in kit

    Last weekend I walked in to my favorite gun shop and found the owner unpacking boxes of Smokey smelling gear. He bought the contents of a smoke damaged tactical supply shop from out of state. I scored a new in the smokey smelling box containing a CMMG carbine length gas piston kit for $100 and a...
  9. pcso112

    45 conversion kit

    I just ordered a SMG 45ACP bolt and barrel from Vector. I think it was around $200. I am on the list for one of Chris Humphrys GG magwells and if I recall it is a little under $300. Original USGI GG mags can be bought in the wrapper for around $30.
  10. pcso112

    I think the bottom just fell out of the MG market.

    I was just two days late on a Springfield M14 for 4K. That was more out of ignorance of the seller than the market. He said he didn’t think anyone would give him more than that in this economy. To top it all off he said he was going to offer it to me first but he hadn’t run into me for a while...
  11. pcso112

    Greasegun Magwell?

    Is anyone making a FA Uzi magwell that accepts the M3 Greasegun mags?
  12. pcso112

    What to buy next

    In the old school department, I am a big fan of the Beretta 38/42. It doesn’t look like much but is a great gun to shoot and some cool history behind them. Size may be a problem for you though.
  13. pcso112

    Dillon 550 .223 brass processing

    I grab a couple of handfuls at a time of 223 cases and just drop them into a Tupperware bin about the size of a large cookie sheet. Just enough to cover about 80% of bottom of the bin. I then spray a few pumps of the Dillon spray lube in the bin, shake and repeat two or three more times. After...
  14. pcso112

    Look what the fedex guy brought today!!

  15. pcso112

    wtk:MGI hydra opinions

    I don’t have one personally, but a friend has one and he likes it quite a bit. He bought the 556, 7.62x39 and I think the 45 ACP set ups for it. He actually commented on how good the customer service was on all of his orders. I thought it looked well put together and high quality. I was thinking...
  16. pcso112

    Ceiner .22 FA Parts Source
  17. pcso112

    gemtech not so silent

    If you’re looking for a movie quite gun that can still pack a punch, go with the 300 Whisper. My 300 Whisper Remington 700 with YHM Phantom produces .5 moa accuracy shooting 220gr SMK’s. It took me a long time to develop a load that was both accurate and quite but the results were well worth the...
  18. pcso112

    115 or 147 for subgun match?

    I am competing in my first subgun match in a few weeks. I will be using my 9mm Uzi and have been told by others that the 9mm sometimes has trouble knocking over the larger steel and bowling pins. Will I be better off using 147 grain loads or 115 grain at a higher velocity? I will be reloading...
  19. pcso112

    Still looking for dillon 550

    I have the Dillon carbide 223 dies. I use the One Shot spray and have never had a case hang up on me. I use a large Tupperware bin that will hold about 150 cases all laying flat and spray it down with the One Shot, shake them around a little and spray them again. Wait a minute, then dump them in...
  20. pcso112

    .300 Whisper

    I messed around with subsonic 308Win for a while and could never produce any reliable results. The 300 Whisper can be difficult to zone in on what load your particular gun likes but is well worth the effort. With lots of trial and error I got my 16” 1:8 twist Rem 700 with a YHM 762 Phantom...

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