Search results

  1. A

    Request for supportive information & value of a Group Industries/Vector Arms Uzi Pistol

    If you are getting into Uzis you could get this book The value around $12-1500. Having a Group Ind or Vector UZI semi auto is not much of a rarity or high demand firearm. Gunbroker is a good source to check on pricing through completed sold...
  2. A

    Request for supportive information & value of a Group Industries/Vector Arms Uzi Pistol

    Bump- Any inputs on my info and current value? I appreciate it.
  3. A

    Post deleted as original one appeared on forum. :-)

    No longer needed as original post appeared on forum
  4. A

    Request for supportive information & value of a Group Industries/Vector Arms Uzi Pistol

    EDIT: Post is now showing and I have deleted previous attempts as the issue was resolved. Thank you Admin and Tech, I appreciate it. Greetings all, As the title states, I have a Group Industries/Vector Arms Uzi pistol, model #4332S. I am in the process of looking to sell it, and would like...

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