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  1. M

    FNC bolt differences

    Very interesting discussion, thanks paco. I am curious...this gunbroker listing describes the carrier as "modified to auto configuration". Is this something that need to be done, or is this simply internet auction bullshit? I am curious so that I can check my bolt carrier if needed...
  2. M

    So, Who has got a Pindad FNC? (SS1)

    Soooooo....It has been a little more than a month....
  3. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    From England to Larand is a helluva typo....but stranger things have happened, huh? And we all know that once it is on a form 4, it is there forever. As a side note, box 4a does asks for maker or importer. What if both were supplied here; though I would assume that Larand would be accompanied...
  4. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    You know, I am not real sure, but would certainly make for interesting history on the weapon if there is a connection.
  5. M

    Gun Expert Chris Bartocci asking for a loaner FNC to review on You Tube

    I wonder if he ever found his loaner FNC...
  6. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    As an update to this thread: I originally asked the manufacturer info because the form 4 for the Sten was missing as we were trying to get it transferred....and with no maker information on the gun, we could not fill anything out. We bought the gun (and three others) at an estate auction, and...
  7. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    The suppressor is made by Automatic Weapons Company (AWC). The Original AWC that was started by Phillip Dater that is now Gemtech. The can is a Sten specific suppressor that replaced the entire barrel, including the chamber. It is not an integral two stamp gun. Very quiet.
  8. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    I was thinking those welds looked pretty good. Amnesty registration = war bring back, registered in one of the ATF amnesty periods? I think the last one was I correct?
  9. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    Need more? [/ATTACH]
  10. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    Yeah, I'll post more pics. I had never seen the faint number until I took those pics...we couldn't get a rubbing to come out clearly. Who is Fazakerly?
  11. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    HAHAHAHA! Finally figured it out!
  12. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    I would, but I can't figure out how to get this damn thing to attach a picture
  13. M

    Where's the Serial Number?

    Is there some way to determine if I have a re-weld or a original STEN? Mine has all numbers on the magwell. Paperwork says Sten MK MP is what is listed as the maker. Just trying to figure the weapon out a bit more....
  14. M

    Source for original 32 rd 9mm M10 magazines?

    I am really, really sorry to reanimate an old thread, but is there somewhere I can get additional information on magazine catch and feeding issues as noted in the quote above? I am working with an M10/45 with a Lage upper and it appears that the bolt is dragging across the top of the magazine...
  15. M

    New Jersey MAC

    It came with a Lage upper (looks like a MK1) and an RPD suppressor, Lage folding stock and I think a Lage forward grip. I'd upload a photo, but I am experiencing 'technical difficulties'
  16. M

    New Jersey MAC

    So would it be valued over a RPD, SWD, or Texas MAC?
  17. M

    New Jersey MAC

    I bought a new jersey MAC M10 in .45 over the weekend at an auction. I understand that they are very good quality, but I an trying to gauge the quality and value of one as compared to a Powder Springs MAC. Thanks.
  18. M

    Colt M16 Conversion

    He is 100% legit, right? I looked him up and there maybe something there I need to send him a check for....
  19. M

    Colt M16 Conversion

    What are you buying from him?
  20. M

    what do you think about this fnc?

    A lot of GB auctions have a buy it now price, even with no reserve

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