Search results

  1. G

    Gauging interest in an adjustable bolt

    Yes, I’m interested.
  2. G

    50 round Grease gun mags Mac 10

    I received my mags today, and they look great. Thanks, bartomark!
  3. G

    DUAL MAC UPPER project (DMAC/RR20)

    Awesome! Looking forward to seeing this in action.
  4. G

    Finally did it. Just dropped off my M10/9mm with Sam and Tina.

    I went yesterday to pick up my M10/9 that Sam converted to use Uzi mags. He also re-welded my front receiver tabs on it and my M10/45. Awesome job!!!
  5. G

    Finally did it. Just dropped off my M10/9mm with Sam and Tina.

    They are very reliable, very available (you could have box full of them by next week), and very cheap ($15-$20 each).
  6. G

    Finally did it. Just dropped off my M10/9mm with Sam and Tina.

    I emailed Tina and let her know what I wanted to do and when, and she basically said, "yeah, bring it." I'd suggest you email her. And be sure to read the last paragraph from their shipping instructions page even though you're not shipping it.
  7. G

    Finally did it. Just dropped off my M10/9mm with Sam and Tina.

    I couldn't agree more. I dropped off two M10's back in March, and I learned quite a bit while I was there. Doorstep-to-doorstep, it's about 180 miles for me.
  8. G

    Lage Mfg. Box Art

    I was lucky enough to receive this Martian landscape when I ordered by MAX-10/45 mk2. I'm definitely keeping the box.
  9. G

    Most suitable 22LR AR upper for the Tenko 10-16?

    When it comes to 22LR AR uppers, there seem to be quite a few options in both rifle and pistol length. Some are made with a fair amount of plastic, no? I don't recall seeing many (any?) that specifically mentioned being capable of FA fire. What does everyone think about which one(s) would...
  10. G

    CFW M10/45 and M11/380 Slowfire Bolts

    Do we know if anyone is planning to pick up where Vegas left off on the .45 tungsten bolts?
  11. G

    Tenko 11-16 Prototype & Tenko 10-16 Update

    I'm already saving money.
  12. G

    Tenko 11-16 Prototype & Tenko 10-16 Update

    I'll second that.
  13. G

    In the Spirit of the "I Miss SWD thread"

    Very cool! Any idea what year these were printed?
  14. G

    The MAX-10/15 list is Open!

    What he said.
  15. G

    What case/bag do you use?

  16. G

    M10/45 bolt travel issue

    Yes, I plan to upgrade the safety. I did notice there is quite a bit of wiggle in the switch.
  17. G

    M10/45 bolt travel issue

    I just sent in a Form 4 on an RPB M10/45, and I was able to get to the range to shoot it yesterday. It ran fine for about 75 rounds, and by "fine" I mean pretty darn sweet. After the last round on one mag, I couldn't pull the bolt back far enough for it to lock. No matter how hard I pulled on...
  18. G

    Mac 10/45 or M9/11? First MG please be patient...

    This purchase is for shooting, and of course I want it to last as long as possible so I can pass it down to my beneficiaries. It sounds like I should focus on the RPB double stamp guns. Thanks, Scott.
  19. G

    Mac 10/45 or M9/11? First MG please be patient...

    Thanks for the info. Also, am I correct in saying the Powder Springs M10 is a little more preferred over the PS/RBP M10?

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