Search results

  1. AresShrike

    AR 15 mag adapter for Galil

    I sold mine, on Gunbroker, a good while ago, within less than an hour, for $350. Last one I saw selling on Gunbroker, was still taking bids at over $500. These were both original IMI products, UA (Uzi America) branded.
  2. AresShrike

    Hillbilly Firearms Galil SAR Pistol

    Yes, I've got it on Gunbroker now. Unfortunately, I can't have all the Galils that I'd like to have.
  3. AresShrike

    Galil IMI 1:7 .223 Virgin barrels (Blackthorne)

    I think those "12-88"' ones don't have the IMI "proof" acceptance stamp, meaning they weren't "proof" tested by IMI, so were not "accepted" to put on production rifles.
  4. AresShrike

    Hillbilly Firearms Galil SAR Pistol

    Thanks Jeff, for the build, and Mullicrk for the pistol brace, and BiggerHammer, for the wood AR handguard!
  5. AresShrike

    The journey for a stamped Galil

    I'm glad you decided to go with the pressed barrel, as they do on virtually all the stamped Kalashnikov designs I know of. It'd be nice just to "screw in" a standard Galil barrel, but, as we said, with 150 lb. ft. of torque (spec), that could be pretty hard on the receiver. Great Job...
  6. AresShrike

    The journey for a stamped Galil

    Very Nice! We're REALLY looking forward to seeing your progress on this, and haven't forgotten. Great work so far!!
  7. AresShrike

    Galil gas hole angled?

    On AKs in general, is there any benefit to drilling the holes vertically before installing the gas block? Yes, it's easier. Especially if you first machine a little relief into the barrel, to settle the drill. The drill won't "dance" around on the round barrel face, as it tends to if you use...
  8. AresShrike

    New usa made GALIL wood handguards!!

    Impressive, most impressive. Obi Wan has taught you well.
  9. AresShrike

    A Rare South African Bird! But is it even legal in the U.S.???

    Real nice, but surely, "no Bueno" here.
  10. AresShrike

    R4 Buffer material/specs

    +1 for 24 Hour Tactical! They've always had very high quality Galil parts. Good to see ya' back, Lou!
  11. AresShrike

    Is there a market for old Galil advertising paraphernalia?

    Yea, sure, just check out Gunbroker or Ebay. It's not "gold", but I sure like to look at that stuff.
  12. AresShrike

    Galil pistol grip screw thread?

    I've got no answer for ya', Brother, but it's good to see you're still "alive and kick'n!!!" Praise the Lord, Brother, and Bottom's up!!! (What's go'n on with that stamped Galil receiver????)
  13. AresShrike

    ATI Galil receivers?

    Kalashnikev - that "weirdo' comment made me think, yeah, now I remember you, aren't you the same "Kalashnikev" that was permanently banned from the AK-Files, for being an irritating (expletive)??? What "demands" did I post? I don't get that part. You should do some research, before opening...
  14. AresShrike

    ATI Galil receivers?

    Kalashnikev - actually, I did "handle" the Ikon receiver, that was sent to Jeff Miller, by me, so he could further check it out. The Ikon receiver that was sent to me wasn't buildable, for the reasons mentioned already in posts here. Look it up, and you'll see "what's wrong with the Ikon...
  15. AresShrike

    ATI Galil receivers?

    Lewis & Black, Ikon, - Please let us know exactly what the warrantee is on these bare Galil receivers, as there have been multiple problems found on the Ikon Galil receivers, with no - New-"fixed" receivers found. (actually, the second Ikon receiver, with those huge L&B markings, looks, on...
  16. AresShrike

    New receiver option...Ikon?

    Lewis & Black, Ikon, - Please let us know exactly what the warrantee is on these bare Galil receivers, as there have been multiple problems found on the Ikon Galil receivers, with no - New-"fixed" receivers found. (actually, the second Ikon receiver, with those huge L&B markings, looks, on...
  17. AresShrike

    LM4 manual

    Funny, before reading who's posting this, I assumed somebody was looking for one, and of course, John, of 24 Hour Tactical, was my first, and only thought on where to go for one. Thanks John! (for all the great parts you've supplied for me over the years!!)
  18. AresShrike

    New receiver option...Ikon?

    You know, that just goes to show you, people love to complain about the cost, of a $500 or $600 milled Galil receiver, but when you consider the cost of the machinery and material, the machine time it takes to mill one out, and various other related costs, like proper heat treating, you start to...

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