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  1. C

    Licence U.Z.I marking

    I believe that is marked on most if not all FN manufactured UZIs.
  2. C

    Serial number prefix question

    I purchased a Howco 16" FNC Para back in the mid 1980's. The serial began with an "S" and was only on the lower. Strangely enough, I too, removed the short FNC flash suppressor from my rifle and installed the FN FAL combo device like the one in the Morphy auction. I heard a story that the...
  3. C

    FN FNC Belgian Army arsenal barrel replacement tool + info

    Thank you for the look at this maintenance/repair operation. It is very much appreciated.
  4. C

    Those who have a Model B semi - question for you

    I own an A, my brother purchased a new B in the 1980's and his came with an "S" marked 25 rounder. I recall that becuse I had never seen an S marked magazine and wondered what it was all these years until I found UZI Talk.
  5. C

    Thoughts on the UZI bayonet

    I own one for my Uzi, but I really doubt that it would be of much real use. Maybe for herding prisoners or something.
  6. C

    I Fu%&ing hate squibs !!!

    I have used Winchester USA white box 5.56mm, 7.62 NATO, 9mm and .45 ACP since the early 1980's, never had a squib. In fact, I cannot recall ever having a squib in over 45 years of shooting any factory ammo. I shoot mostly Winchester, Federal and Remington. Maybe I am just lucky. Since all my...
  7. C

    Painting UZI selector markings

    I have used Testor's model paint as well, looks just like factory.
  8. C

    Its 1980 and the winner is?

    I like both rifles a lot but I would pick the M16, it's lighter and easier to handle/shoot for me.
  9. C

    FNC factory NATO scope screws

    The mounting screws for the G3 Hensoldt ZF 4 scope are M6 thread is 10.5 mm long, screw head is 10.5 mm diameter. They should be the same for any STANAG scope.
  10. C

    WTK: FNC flash hider differences: Howco shorter barrel gun v. GunSouth longer bl ones

    Just as a note, the short FNC flash hide is the long one with the grenade launching support sleeve cut off. So if you have a long flash hider, you can make a short one out of it.
  11. C

    choosing between Uzi model A or B with specific criteria

    The biggest improvement to me are the sights. The adjustable sights on the B model are far more useful than the A version. The firing pin safety is a nice thing to have but the sights are the main improvement, especially with a 16" barrel.
  12. C

    Sterling Importers & Numbering

    I own a Parker Arms imported Mk6. Serial is SA 008x date code on the bolt is S85 which indicates 1985 manufacture I believe. I will get some pictures posted.
  13. C

    Rebarreled Howco

    The change over to the grooved charging handles came about the same time as the transition to the teardrop shaped selector switch, on the semi-auto sporter rifles at least. The third style handle was for the Dutch military trial rifles, I am not sure if they were used anywhere else. Paco would...
  14. C

    Rebarreled Howco

    This is correct.
  15. C

    Rebarreled Howco

    It also appears that this rifle has a later 2 groove charging handle. All of the Howcos I have seen have the earlier knurled charging handle.
  16. C

    Peculiar FNC auction

    I think it was only the 16" HOWCO imported paras that had the serial on the lowers (that is where it was on mine anyways). All the Steyr and Gun South imports I have seen have had the serial number on the upper receiver. I see the seller also sold a Para FAL the same way (upper and lower...
  17. C

    Brand new IMI/Action Arms Model A Uzi 9mm

    I think $1500 to $1800 would be about right for a like new in box to NIB UZI A. There were a lot of UZIs imported in the 1980's so they are not that rare.
  18. C

    What got you interested in Uzis?

    I have to admit it was movies, in the 1970's there was a movie about the Raid on Entebbe, James Woods packing his Uzi at his parents house to go out on an operation. Then there was The Wild Geese and of course Auhrnold in The Terminator... When Action Arms Uzis became available in the...
  19. C

    FNC 76 model preseries

    Thanks for the photos Paco. The early prototype FNCs are certainly interesting.
  20. C

    Mini-14 mags

    My brother bought one of my 1980's vintage Mini-14s from me. Against my advice, he purchased a Pro Mag 30 round magazine for it. Surprisingly the Pro Mag has functioned 100% in his gun.

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