Search results

  1. S

    R4 Stocks?

    I bought these years ago and I think they are R4 stocks. They need buttpads, any idea where I can source them? TIA - Todd
  2. S

    Best Trigger For Galil

    IMI trigger, Tapco hammer and sear
  3. S

    Galil/Golani Fix or Replacement Stocks

    Got any more of those lying around?
  4. S

    My new baby came home today... Galil SAR

    Does GM still sell the barrels? Don't see them on their site.
  5. S

    922R compliance

    What Ugh said. I've gotten two from Ronin and they are a good match with the originals.
  6. S

    922R compliance

    I'm partial to gas piston, pistol grip, receiver, hammer, and disconnector. Keeps the exterior look the same as the original.
  7. S

    APEX IMI pistol grip

    To keep you from over rotating the selector when taking it out and messing up the left side slector parts.
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    ARM headspace issue

    What about the existing gas port? Does it need to be plugged?
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    South Africa puts 'M4 style buttstock' on R-rifles

    Why exactly would you need a sidefolding collapsable stock?
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    Global Receivers?

  11. S

    Pics of NDS/McKay Uzi receiver

    Excuse the potentially stupid question but do these use model A or B sites?
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    Get ready - the new UZI is coming!

    Same with the Golani's, PSL's, etc, etc. I think you've got a good plan there.
  13. S

    Get ready - the new UZI is coming!

    Considering you can pick up a used IMI one for that, who would be crazy enough to pay for a CIA one with their known quality issues?
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    Sterling Tube Diameter

    Does anyone know off the top of their head what the O.D. of the Sterling MK4 tube is? Thinking of making dummy. Thanks
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    5.56 (.223) fired brass...

    One important question: Is this fired brass or run through a machine that heats it up to pop the primers? If the later is true then it's pretty much useless except for scrap. I would ask that question of your supplier before you place your order.
  16. S

    Stock (welded folded) on full size Vector UZI pistol

    I think you would have to weld the stock to the receiver as well. Otherwise you'd be able to to remove the welded up stock and put a regular folder on there. I would definately ask for a letter of clarification.
  17. S

    5.56 (.223) fired brass...

    If it's military brass you won't be able to keep up... I'm interested as well!
  18. S

    Who has orlite galil magazines

    Yes, Joe's served me well too. I picked up 20 from them before the stopped their ads.
  19. S

    wood furniture for the golanis?

    Hell, just send me a set in poplar! They look awesome.
  20. S

    wood furniture for the golanis?

    I think he meant Iron Wood the company that makes AK stocks, not the actual wood. I'd like something that will look the closest to the original IMI in grain and color. Very interested in an ARM set with the "core exchange" option!:hit_it

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