Search results

  1. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    I can honestly say that I am both humbled and delighted this morning as I have a total of 158 runs spoken for as I make this post. I have a few people trying to see if they can make it work to come out, but as of now I will be starting a back up shooter list if someone wants to shoot more than...
  2. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    Ok I updated the list and here is where it stands.....I have 143 runs out of a possible 160 spoken for.
  3. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    Sorry life has been turned upside down as if the 13th so I am getting back into the swing of things. I’ll be going back over the list and checking everyone off. At this point I’d say if you have signed up, you are good. I have to get current totals but it’s gonna be nearly full now
  4. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    30 per class and unlimited is whatever you wanna run
  5. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    I have it. Gotta sit down and tally it all up again to make sure I didn’t miss anyone. It’s been a stressful week….quit my job Monday morning so I’ve been figuring a lot of stuff out
  6. G

    Uzi weldment kit?

    Got hold of him and have wha ti need on the way
  7. G

    Uzi weldment kit?

    I saw his stuff and figured that was going to be the route I’d end up going to get what I needed.
  8. G

    Uzi weldment kit?

    At this point I need it all: Back plate Feed ramp Lower pin lug Bayonet mount Blocking bar (I can make that if needed) Front grip stud Ejector Rivet I was wanting to use all new parts instead of scabbing parts from a demil kit but that seems to be a fools errand at this point. Seen some guys...
  9. G

    Uzi weldment kit?

    I am looking for a couple weldment kits for a few Uzi receivers I have on the shelf. I was going to go with McKay but they keep showing out of stock. Is there anyone else or am I going to have to piece these together from here and there?
  10. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    At this point I have (if my count is correct-and everyone shows up) 126 runs….as of this post
  11. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    FYI I’m over half full with just the preliminary sign ups. Keep letting me know early so if there ends up being a stand by list.
  12. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    And I’m already working on a list now. I have 8 runs confirmed at this point and it’s 5 months out.
  13. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    Correct you can shoot any of the classes either day. Say you only bring an MP5….you can shoot closed optic, closed iron, unlimited and PCC…that’s four and you can shoot any of the two on Friday and the other two Saturday.
  14. G

    Ohio SubGun Match

    This year it will be held June 13th AND 14th 2025, at Tusco Rifle Club. It will be $30 per class and each shooter can sign up for FOUR classes/runs. Two classes will be shot on one day, and the other two on the second day. Yes you read that right, this is a TWO DAY EVENT this year. The classes...
  15. G

    Ohio SubGun Match 2025

    I put in for June 13-14 for the dates of the event. It will be a Friday-Saturday event with setup being on Thursday. I’m awaiting the confirmation from the club for the dates.
  16. G

    My prototype MKII STEN suppressor

    No I haven’t. It’s a project that I was working on and haven’t got back to yet. I need to as I have some other ideas on it as well.
  17. G

    Pre-86 to transferable

    You dont have to have a reason for pre sample stufff. They don’t question those it’s the post sample stuff.
  18. G

    Pre-86 to transferable

    I said what I said as I know of way too many people who have gotten FFL/SOT only to buy up pre samples then drop them or to have play toys…things like this spiked during covid because people sat around and learned what they could and couldn’t do with regards to NFA. Why do you think the pre...
  19. G

    Pre-86 to transferable

    Agree to disagree given your comment was: “Much better option is to pay $150 for FFL/07, and $500 for SOT/02 ($650), and buy an actual pre-sample which you can then keep after giving up your SOT/FFL.” Which is literally telling someone to get an FFL/SOT to buy pre samples so they can keep...
  20. G

    Pre-86 to transferable

    Well getting an FFL/SOT and only doing it to make post samples as play toys and buy up pre samples then not selling anything is the definition of enhancing someone’s collection. There have been a few guys nailed for it lately in my area so hence why I’m saying something. When I had my...

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