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  1. A

    HK94 clones compatible with registered Sear pack

    I have a post sample kit in a PTR. I have been very happy with it and no modifications were made to the host. PTR being US made is a plus for support/warranty and any 922r concerns.
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    My Model "A" Firing out of Battery

    As others have stated above, it is hard to tell what may be happening form the current pictures and description. It does sound like a poor match to the sear/grip frame. I have a shop in Bedford and you are welcome to bring it in and I may be able to get you a better diagnoses. I can also...
  3. A

    Mk760 Extractor. Is it bad?

    I can't see why the original wouldn't work from the pictures. It appears intact. What types of malfunctions are you getting? If only failure to extract, examine some of the spent brass for signs of chamber fouling/wear. Did swapping the extractors out fix your issues?
  4. A

    Sad M10

    Even on the amnesty registered guns that had serials defaced I believe they have an IRS number. This looks scary.
  5. A

    Interesting malfunction, possibly solved

    I have seen similar issues caused by a bur or extractor impingement.
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    magazine caliber

    .45 will be single feed and 9mm will be double feed. They will both fit in magwell of course but bottom of bolt will interfere and possibly damage wrong caliber magazine.
  7. A

    Cost to sandblast and Parkerize Uzi receiver

    Paul, if you have not completed this yet, send me a message. I do a good amount of this work on these and may be able to help.

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