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  1. ordnanceguy

    New Book - "The Many Firearm Designs of Eugene Reising"

    It is an excellent book, and one that I refer to on a regular basis. Highly recommended. Regards, Charlie
  2. ordnanceguy

    New Review of The Omega Man and His Model 76

    Just a heads up here. The Omega Man is scheduled to run on Turner Classic Movies channel on Saturday, July 29 at 6:00 PM. If you have not seen it and are a Model 76 nut (like me) you should tune in. Regards, Charlie
  3. ordnanceguy

    Swedish K pics original suppressed

    Ferndog1: Maybe this pic will be of some assistance to you. Photo credit to Frank Thornton. Regards, Charlie
  4. ordnanceguy

    New Review of The Omega Man and His Model 76

    Today the Armory Life (online in-house organ of the commercial Springfield Armory) published an article by Dr. Will Dabbs on the famous Omega Man motion picture and star Charlton Heston's use of the Model 76. It covers very familiar territory and, frankly, I saw nothing that was new to me about...
  5. ordnanceguy

    Member Opee - M76 SMG Stock Adapter Review

    Thanks for the review, Rekraps. Your installation sounds first class. I too have been in touch with Opee and finally got my adapter ordered today. I also bought the stock he recommended, the Sig Sauer Minimalist Plus. Priced at $199.99 on the Sig site. I learned today that the Mimimalist...
  6. ordnanceguy

    S&W 76 sturdy locking folding stock. Anybody interested?

    Put me down for one, please. Charlie
  7. ordnanceguy

    Another '76 in the movie Stockholm

    Never heard of that one before, but will now have to chase it down just to see the 76 in action. Thanks for the tip. Charlie
  8. ordnanceguy

    A Model 76 Show Up On TCM

    Like everyone else in North America, I am hunkered down waiting out this virus thing. I turned to my favorite channel, Turner Classic Movies, for some diversion and found that it was playing Across 110th Street, a 1972 film in the so-called Blaxploitation genre. The film stars Anthony Quinn...
  9. ordnanceguy

    A Model 76 in the U.K.

    Gentlemen: I ran across this image of S&W Model 76 serial U1614 and thought it would be of interest to the members. This example now resides in the collection of the Royal Armouries in the U.K. The provenance of this example is recorded as "Gifted with the Pattern Room by the Ministry of...
  10. ordnanceguy

    New Book On The S&W Model 76 On The Way

    My copy arrived late yesterday, so I have not yet had a chance to thoroughly examine it. Nonetheless, my first 'flip through' left me very impressed. I have a lot of reading ahead of me on it, but I can report that my first impression is very favorable. A big "Well done!" to author Frank...
  11. ordnanceguy

    Forgotten weapons shooting SW76

    BTW, the gun shown in the Forgotten Weapons videos sold at the Morphy's auction for $13,200, including the buyer's premium. A second Model 76 serialed T1183 was also sold in the same auction for $13,530 including buyer's premium. Regards, Charlie
  12. ordnanceguy

    Forgotten weapons shooting SW76

    Yes, a good video. Here is the related but separate video link which Ian did on the same gun which was filmed before he got to shoot it. Both good videos. Ian always does a nice job. He mentioned one thing that was a little...
  13. ordnanceguy

    New Book On The S&W Model 76 On The Way

    You can pre-order a copy here: Regards, Charlie
  14. ordnanceguy

    New Book On The S&W Model 76 On The Way

    From Small Arms Review/Chipotle Publishing and prolific author-researcher Frank Iannamico comes this new work. It promises to be the most comprehensive book ever written on the Model 76. The book is due out in November. Priced at $49.95. The 268 page book will cover the following topics...
  15. ordnanceguy

    Springfield Armory's S&W 76 Collection - Experimental, Toolroom and One-off versions

    These S&W Model 76s were given to the Springfield Armory Museum by the S&W factory. As you probably know, the S&W factory is located in Springfield, Mass. not far from the Armory which is now administered by the Park Service. As "neighbors" the factory and the Armory have had a long...
  16. ordnanceguy

    S&W 76 Manual and Factory Letter

    Hello Marcus: With the implosion of Photobucket the image of the manual that was posted above is no longer visible to me. Not sure what it showed. However, I have a .pdf copy of the Model 76 Instruction sheet published in 1969. If you need a copy of that one let me know and I'd be happy to...
  17. ordnanceguy

    Best place to sell a S&W 76

    Agreed on GB as the place with the most traffic. Why not show the complete serial number?
  18. ordnanceguy

    Pics of suppressed MK 760's / S&W 76?

    Here you go. This one is at the Navy SEAL Museum at Fort Pierce, FL. It letters as shipped to the Navy. I believe that the suppressor is S&W manufacture as well. Regards, Charlie
  19. ordnanceguy

    M76 and Swedish K on Display at National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum

    I have been reliably informed that the Museum's U991 shipped to the Navy in June, 1970. Regards, Charlie
  20. ordnanceguy

    M76 and Swedish K on Display at National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum

    I had the chance recently to visit the National Navy UDT-SEAL Museum located on the beach at Fort Pierce, Florida. I had heard a lot about it over the years and when the opportunity came up that put me in the area I seized the chance. It is a very well done Museum and one that I commend to all...

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