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  1. Offmarksman

    Finally completed the MAC Carbine upper set (sort of)

    Mine is the short handguard
  2. Offmarksman

    Finally completed the MAC Carbine upper set (sort of)

    I’ve had a m11/9 one for several years. I’ve never shot it. I always end up taking the lage upper.
  3. Offmarksman

    Lower egging prevention

    Not sure why a pin made out of something besides steel seems to trigger you so much? You’ve made it clear that you think it’s unnecessary.
  4. Offmarksman

    Lower egging prevention

    If you want to make some, I’ll buy them. I just said $20 as an arbitrary number. I know the steel ones are at least that much. Plug welding and re-boring along with re-Parkerizing (like Sam would do), is a good option, but I’d prefer to leave mine alone for the time being and buy a somewhere...
  5. Offmarksman

    Lower egging prevention

    If egging isn’t an issue, why does Sam weld in reinforcement tabs? Because egging is an issue…. I don’t disagree that the upper alignment with the lower is where it comes from, but a consumable pin is way easier than filing out a form, shipping it to Sam (which probably costs as much as a pin)...
  6. Offmarksman

    Lower egging prevention

    If I can spend a few bucks in a consumable pin, in lieu of having to send my lower to Sam, I’ll spend a couple of bucks. I too have the reinforcement tabs, but changing uppers frequently, and shooting rifle caliber with my lower are a concern for eventual egging. If you don’t think a pin is...
  7. Offmarksman

    Lower egging prevention

    The Delrin works, but the Brass makes a lot of sense. I’d buy a few brass ones from you, If they aren’t too expensive. I could make them myself, but not sure if or when I’ll ever have the time to do it😂
  8. Offmarksman

    Suppressed M2 carbine

    I Dig It!!! Love the M2s!!!
  9. Offmarksman

    What causes 3-point-jam FTFs?

    Sounds like the magazine may sitting too low? Get some snap caps (DO NOT use live rounds) and hand cycle. Maybe push in on the mag while hand cycling, and see if that makes a difference.
  10. Offmarksman

    greymarketresearch super safety

    I will try a new one, and see if makes any difference. I suspect that the disconnect or is not engaging with the hammer because the trigger is not profiled correctly for the SS. Will play around with it and report back in a few days. Thanks!!!
  11. Offmarksman

    greymarketresearch super safety

    Question, I was playing with one today, and dry firing it when in semi mode, if you keep the trigger depressed, and cycle the bolt, when you release the trigger, it releases the hammer. Essentially a binary trigger, any ideas on how to correct this?
  12. Offmarksman

    Mp40 red dot mount?

    Anybody know of a mount that wouldn’t harm a c&r ww2 weapon? I am trying to help a buddy of mine, in the local mg club shoot a little faster. I’ve looked for some sort of a plastic, clamp on mount, but haven’t been able to find anything. Figured some of the UT members may have been in the...
  13. Offmarksman

    Death card

    Contact member RetroEngraving. He will make them again if enough people want them.
  14. Offmarksman


    Great to hear! I got on the list too, but don’t remember the date.
  15. Offmarksman

    Turan 9mm ammo

    I am certainly not telling anyone what to do with their gun. But for me, I only run stuff with brass cases and reputable ammo producers. For budget 9mm, Blazer is a good option. Reloading is also a good way to save on ammo and get quality ammo. Cheap ammo from unknown or questionable...
  16. Offmarksman

    Gauging interest in an adjustable bolt

    The M11a1 Cfw bolt does not hit the rear when shooting 9mm.
  17. Offmarksman

    Turan 9mm ammo

    as possible noted out by Hey and Kick, Don’t use stepped ammo. Not sure if all Maxxtech does, but I wouldn’t take the chance. You do t have to spend much more to get Blazer if you are just having fun…
  18. Offmarksman

    Tabs for converting sten mags for the max 31s

    Take care of Your Future Bride.
  19. Offmarksman

    Tabs for converting sten mags for the max 31s

    No worries man! Take care of Your future Bride!

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