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  1. B

    AR-15 Upper Adapter

    Cool, is there a mailing list that you maintain or a thread that I could subscribe to get updates?
  2. B

    AR-15 Upper Adapter

    Hello, I remember there being talk a few years ago about an AR-15 upper adapter for the MAC-10. A quick Google search later and I found this: Is there anyone here that got one or know anything about it? Thanks
  3. B


    Is there a waiting list for this upper yet? If so I would like to join it.
  4. B

    Value of Semiauto Colt 1895 potato digger

    Did you purchase the 1895 colt semiauto? I would love to know more. Also if you didn’t would you be willing to share the contact. I would like to talk to the seller about it

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