Of all the things to have an opinion about, the engraving? Cmon now...we will put ugly AR15 stocks on a MAC and a 15 dollar chinese optic but god forbid the bolt have the model name engraved on it. That would just be tacky.:pound
Ive always been here Tom...Lurking since probably 2006??? And my Mac Talk facebook page is definitely not meant to be a replacement for this subforum...If this place is the schoolhouse....think of my page as the playground ;) Just for fun.
Ya i thought that was a thing too...but apparently it isnt. http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2014/12/19/electronic-arms-1022-bullpup-electric-trigger/
Also, this is a "dumb" electrical system. A simple circuit with no software and no way to add software without the addition of more...
My main concern with this design is safety. The dead switch design pretty much eliminates the concern for inadvertent "negligent discharge"...and also ensures that the operator has 2 hands ON the case and in the proper place before it becomes "shootable". Just shooting it from the handle seems...
I plan on using a linkage similar to your setup, but have the actuator uh.....actuate it.
My biggest hurdle at the moment is that my Macs are in NFA jail...so i am contemplating purchasing an airsoft Mac just so i can continue fiddling with the design.