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  1. S

    Galatz on GB

    wow! All I need is a couple gas blocks. Any help??
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    Galil Pistol Prototype

    Very nice work !
  3. S

    R5 build

    Wow that looks great. Is that the original butt stock pad?
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    More than one type of Galatz butt stock. This rifle has what I'd call the third version. looking for a couple gas blocks and offset scope mount. I have a Nimrod scope for trade??
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    galil gas blocks

    Pics please.
  6. S

    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    The Galil sniper is still available from the factory, made in small contract runs only. Current brochure, Couple Galatz shots in video. Would be great to see some spare parts offered from IWI.
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    Here is a different variant of the Galil Sniper.
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    I'm looking for, Gas blocks modern dust cover with flip up sight button style inverse safety early version offset scope mount Any help is appreciated.
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    Thanks for the tip. I have two manuals and yes you are correct diagram shows a single hook. I'm pretty sure a double hook would work as well if that's all one had.
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    Real IMI Galil Sporter or bust?

    Looks like Mossberg/UA possibly. I'm not an expert but have seen pictures of like rifles
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    The receiver is cut for double hook. I have the tapco G2 on hand so will try that. I've had interest In the ALG triggers, Has anyone tried these in a Galil?
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    Hi Lou I'm using the CNC REC. for my builds. I don't have a factory rifle for reference, I will be using the inverse style safety. I'm looking for the left side round tab style lever like the one seen on the rifle shown in post #50. If anyone has one they could spare please contact me. I'm...
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    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    nice couple.
  14. S

    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    Adipose, Thanks for the info. This project is still alive just been very busy with other stuff. Still looking for the gas block/front end and the offset scope mount. Also looking for the current newer models dust cover that has the low profile flip up sight and the round tab left safety...
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    Bullet guide height

    Here ya go. From my, 5.56 CNC/W ARM build
  16. S

    Galatz Sniper Rifle Project

    looking for a little info. can anybody give me a measurement for the length of a Hadar or modern Galatz snipers charging handle? I'm turning one up on the lathe and have no reference other than pictures. THANKS! [/URL][/IMG]
  17. S

    Gail sniper

    Thanks for the advise. Ive done the gas blocks about a year ago. I'm stubborn , holding out for the real deal :bang If anybody has one to sell (gas block) drop me a line please.
  18. S

    Gail sniper

    For those of us that have spent the time researching and hunting for parts for these fine rifles, its easy to see the value in this example. Looks like a excellent rifle. rare YES. I'm still looking for a gas block and offset scope mount for my build.

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