Search results

  1. Adolf

    RB (RB MAC parts) passed away

    Robert Burrows (RB) passed away this week. I am not sure if this is the right place to post this news. I worked for him for about 15 years, knew him for 20. For those who knew him in Kansas or Missouri, at this point there will be no memorial or funeral service. He worked on and sold parts for...
  2. Adolf


    Update, RB is still in the hospital, and is responding better since they put him on medication and other things. They are still not sure what brought him down, but he's talking and doing some moving around.
  3. Adolf

    Ap9 parts needed

    TKill, A gun shop in Corsicana Texas called Jesse guns had three of those weapons in stock back in 2013, I doubt they have moved! You may call him and buy another weapon for your parts. phone number is/was: 903-874-2915. Otherwise, keep hunting the web or gun shows looking for broken...
  4. Adolf


    Guy's, My name is Adolf and I work part time for RB Mac Parts (Mostly the gun shows for him). About 2 months ago, he started to get really week and some of you already knew he was sick. The second week of Feb, he was admitted to the hospital and is still presently there! They don't seem to...
  5. Adolf

    FA Tec 9 questions

    I have seen one at a public firing range about 10 years back and they used a KG 9 open bolt set up! The back end had been knocked out a few times as they beefed it up with some kinda of Gun Bandage (Fiberglass and polymer) repair!
  6. Adolf

    Winchester Steel Case

    The last time I saw that stuff it was made oversees, dirty and weak! Fine in a Taurus or Ruger, not in a mac or Subgun style weapon.
  7. Adolf

    Magazine ID

    I think it's a National, could be wrong!!!
  8. Adolf

    Please help identify this mac11

    Q1: I have never seen the Cobray/Sionics logo on the side of the mag, who built that? Q2: Would that zipcode be correct for Marrietta GA?
  9. Adolf

    Most reliable firearm you own (revolvers aside)

    HKP7 pistols, Chinese SKS Paratrooper 16.5" with detachable mag (model D). HK91
  10. Adolf

    Need some values on some HK stuff

    Chris, What I See them typically go for in my neck of the woods: 91: 2500 to 3000, depending on Mags and other goodies! 93: 2800 to 3200, again depending on Mags and other goodies! 94: over 4000! SP89: Over 5000! P7M13 over 2000 I sure people will complain, but I work Tulsa yearly, and a...
  11. Adolf


    Look up the open bolt smg books, and yes he sells .380 parts as well as works on them!
  12. Adolf

    m11/380 has a little mac book with all the dimensions called out!
  13. Adolf

    Suppressed Springfield XD9 not going fully back into batttery...

    What ammo are you using? What type of Suppressor?
  14. Adolf

    Best Subgun Lube or Grease?

    I errored on the name of the Moly Lube, it's made by Birchwood Casey. I thought it was made by/or for Remington. Sorry if it caused problems.
  15. Adolf

    Steel vs. Aluminum Rings

    Folks, Not sure if I am in the right forum, please forgive. I am going to a rifle school in which the instructor wants us to purchase Steel Scope Rings for our mil-dot scopes. What is the difference(besides types of metal), and is it worth the cost of the steel rings(He wants us to use Badger...
  16. Adolf

    Best Subgun Lube or Grease?

    Ballisto & CLP for lube and cleaners. Rem Dry Moly for the insides of the magazines! Ballisto has a pungent smell, use out doors, CLP for storing inside if you have a wife.
  17. Adolf

    What's it worth (M-11/.380) magazine

    LawBob, I am unable to submit pix's on this website, but I sent you a pm. Thanks, Adolf
  18. Adolf

    What's it worth (M-11/.380) magazine

    Guys, I have a M-11/.380 acp magazine (30 round metal) marked with what appears to be the SIONIC's logo (No "Cobray" wording underneath the logo) that doesn't function properly in my O.B.S.A. M11/.380 RPB! It locks up in the 1981 RPB, but commonly (damn near 100 percent of the time) "Failure...
  19. Adolf

    M11 barrel thread size

    Sleepyweasel, Watch out for parts that where made for Tec 9's, that are advertised to work on 9 mm Mac's as well. I have found out over the years that some of that stuff was threaded wrong or had poorly cut/rolled threads and would not fit either weapons. I'm not saying "Cobray" quality is...
  20. Adolf

    M11 barrel thread size

    I agree with Concorde, most is 1/2x28

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