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  1. XD45

    Hillbilly Firearms Railed Gas Tube

    Just a quick review of the Jeff Miller (Hillbilly Firearms) railed gas tube. Installed on a Golani. Fit is absolutely perfect. I had to gently tap it into place with a rubber mallet. It doesn't move. The quality that went into the design and manufacture are obvious. With the MD25 optic the...
  2. XD45

    Is This an IMI 1:7 Barrel?

    The barrel is 16.5". As I said there are no nother markings. I know Jeff can tell me if there are any problems but I don't want to send my rifle and this barrel and then find out it's junk. EDIT I just found the Blackthorn barrel thread. My marking, twist, length, muzzle thread all match...
  3. XD45

    Golani + ALG AK trigger

    Has it been confirmed that the ACE trigger fits the old Galil? I have asked ALG several times and have received no reply.
  4. XD45

    Is This an IMI 1:7 Barrel?

    Since I'm only allowed 3 per post.
  5. XD45

    Is This an IMI 1:7 Barrel?

    I bought this off gunbroker. Listed an a virgin IMI 1:7 barrel. The only markings are: 01 12-88 It is 1:7 twist as advertised. Before I send this barrel to TennGalil I want to be sure it's good to go.
  6. XD45

    Golani Headspace Fix?

    That's a very generous offer. PM sent.
  7. XD45

    Golani Headspace Fix?

    Yeah the bolt idea is a stretch but with no new barrels available I was running out of options. But if Jeff makes new barrels from blanks I guess I do have an option. An option which I'm sure will lighten my wallet. This damn Golani is going to wind up being my most expensive rifle. lol
  8. XD45

    Golani Headspace Fix?

    I haven't been able to find a source for a new barrel. Can someone link me to a source? I'm thinking I might buy a Galil bolt and see if it could be fixed that way. I might have to try a few and that could get real expensive but I can always sell the bolts if they don't work.
  9. XD45

    Golani Headspace Fix?

    I apologize for being misleading in the op. I wasn't including the Golani when I said all rifles would not close on the no-go. It was obvious in my mind that if it closed on the field gauge then it also closed on the no-go. But the text seemed to say otherwise. The Golani closes easily on...
  10. XD45

    Golani Headspace Fix?

    I recently acquired no-go and field gauges in 5.56 and ran them through all my 5.56 rifles. Nothing would close on a no-go except my old bushmaster M4gery which barely closes on a no-go but not on the field. Unfortunately the Golani will close on the field gauge (and the no-go). Just barely...
  11. XD45

    Just another idiot with a golani (Long)

    It's not an inexpensive option but I sent my Golani to Jeff Miller to be inspected and tuned. It turned out that my rifle was one of the good ones with a properly hardened receiver and unmolested bolt. Jeff slicked up the action, cut the barrel to 16", and refinished it for me. Also you...
  12. XD45


    Excellent. Firing pin, firing pin spring, extractor, extractor spring ordered. My JM reworked Golani will sleep better now.
  13. XD45

    Tavors are actually in production now!

    Here is the full review from MAC.
  14. XD45

    Tavors are actually in production now!

    Now that I think about it you guys are absolutely right. Nobody should buy these overpriced plastic 22 caliber things. People would be better off with a Tavor shaped pop tart. I of course will still buy one, just to demonstrate how useless they are. And when I'm completely through evaluating...
  15. XD45

    Buying an M1 Garand

    The Garand uses 30-06 (7.62x63). 7.62x39 is what the AK-47 shoots. 7.62x51 is what the M1A(M14) shoots. And 7.62x54 is the Russian "heavy" 30-caliber round. That covers the common 7.62mm rounds.
  16. XD45

    Tavors are actually in production now!

    It can be swapped in 10 minutes but the bolt is different. There is a left hand model, which comes with the left hand bolt. I hope there are lots and lots of people who think it's not worth 2k. The fewer people buying them the sooner I'll get mine.
  17. XD45

    Tavors are actually in production now!

    New pics up on the IWI facebook page, including left-hand models. They say shipping will begin "any day now". I think it's time for a Tavor forum.
  18. XD45

    The Not So Clear Origins of the Galil...

    Came across this today. Interesting read. Many of you have probably seen it but I'm sure some haven't.
  19. XD45


    One little reminder: When you do send your rifle to Jeff, include a note with your contact information and what you need done. I neglected to do this. I mean, I knew who's rifle it was and what we had talked about, right? Doh! Jeff's a busy man and gets alot of guns to work on so it's...
  20. XD45


    Jeff has my golani now and I know hes busy so I'll just wait patiently until he gets to it. . . . . . . Is it done yet? :D

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