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    Truth about the original two stage Werbell can

    I have to say, this place is a wealth of knowledge, I have never come across this book before. I will definitely get my hands on it. It won't answer this question, but it might answer others, so thank you for this.
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    Truth about the original two stage Werbell can

    I read online that the larger two stage can was capable of reducing the initial decibel report from 161 to 19. This was the only reference I found and I had wondered if anyone here knew if... 1. Is this even physically possible? Especially given the times and the tech available 2. IF so, the...
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    MAC 10 Bolt Blueprints

    Thank you MWG (the name was not lost on me). While I'd love to get my hands on one to measure, I need sometime to round up the disposable funds to consider buying one. You are definitely on my short list though and when I can I'll message you.
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    MAC 10 Bolt Blueprints

    You said different dimensions. It would stand to reason that the length then would be the only viable difference. The inter width of the lowe and upper receiver can't be changed. This is what you meant? And for clarity, I'm spec'ing only the .45 model. That said though, I do find this a...
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    MAC 10 Bolt Blueprints

    Again, thank you, I found the ftf site after your first post and I think I'll likely just go with that, since the dimensions are replacement parts for an original supposedly, pre ban anyway. I had seen a picture of an approximation of the original extractor and the new ones from ftf are a far...
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    MAC 10 Bolt Blueprints

    Scott, Thank you for that reply and I WAS unaware there was a vendor making replacement bolts for NFA registered originals. I'm going to try to find them. You're idea might be best (though I hope I don't end up spending as much on a bolt than maybe buying a new gun, but, you do what you have...
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    MAC 10 Bolt Blueprints

    Hi, I'm newly registered but been perusing the site for sometime now. Going to intro my post to avoid unnecessary dialog. First, I am WELL AWARE that making any firearm that one cannot legally purchase NEW places it in the category of NFA item or outright not legal. Anyone who wants to skirt...

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