greymarketresearch super safety


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Apr 27, 2020
Still not so sure that the spring does.

Unfortunately their "machine cut" triggers look terrible. Then again, I cut mine with the milling machine and polished it with a buffing wheel then rounded the other side with the buffing wheel so it is also glass smooth. Seems to function fine when run dry. Looking forward to trying it with the 22LR too. Probably mostly run it with that.


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Sep 4, 2007
The plastic paddle that GMR sells has different dimensions than the steel paddle they sell in the length.

I did get the GMR metal paddle to function with the metal BoreBuddy SS trip on the 22LR upper after adjustment this weekend. It required backing out the screw and nut on the bottom of the BB SS trip to the specs of the GMR plastic trip. I'm glad I had the GMR trip to help measure against. I prefer having the metal parts installed for longevity.

Took it to the range today. The GMR steel paddle and BB trip does work but it's not as reliable as the GMR plastic paddle and GMR plastic trip. There were quite a few light hammer strikes. I will try to figure what was causing it.
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Apr 27, 2020
The models I found did not specify if it was for a specific SS.

I will be focusing on making sure it runs as normal first on center fire. If necessary I'll just print a plastic lever with modifications for 22LR. I have the Hoffman dev pack with all the step files.

Just haven't had a chance to put the rimfire upper on that lower yet. Also don't have enough snap caps for 22.
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UZI Talk Supporter
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Jan 15, 2003
Ordered the mp5 ejector and trip today.
Still need to get the trigger housing if/when it becomes in stock.

Can't really print my own right now as my printer is boxed up from the move.
I have to replace the hot end ( have it just need to install it)
And buy some other filliment besides pla. Also decide wherd I want to set the printer up at once I unbox it from the move.

willing to pay someone to print the MP/AR trigger housing if someone has something stronger then pla & time to print one or two.

Also since you guys are now stuffing these info 15/22 guns anyone know if it works on the DPMS 22 upper? Circa 2010 mfg.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Sep 4, 2007
Will not work with a 15-22. There are rumors it may be coming soon. :drool


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Jan 15, 2003
Ok thought guys were running this in the 15/22
Only 22 AR I have is the DPMS circa 2010
And no real desire to do another AR in 22lr

Guess I'll have to shoot them a Email and see if they know.


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Apr 27, 2020
Have not yet had a chance to actually run it. Appears to function perfectly with a standard AR carrier.

With the CMMG 22LR the lever seems to bind up and hold the bolt open ~3/8 of an inch. Is the lever too long for my trip?

Edit, trimmed a little off the trip to make the pocket deeper. No longer holds the bolt open.

Does have hammer follow through on SS mode. Semi seems to work fine. Not real sure what's up with that.
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UZI Talk Life Member
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Sep 4, 2007
I've had to smooth over the top of the paddle for every firearm I've tried it on except for the GMR plastic trip and GMR plastic trip on the BB 22LR upper.

I just followed the instructions GMR provided and they ran perfectly after function testing.



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Apr 27, 2020
I'm not sure if it is binding or not. Hand cycles fine in semi. Hammer follow through on SS mode.


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Sep 4, 2007
As long as your finger applies pressure to the trigger in SS mode, the lever should be releasing the hammer as the trip and bolt returns home.

I like to test with the upper on. I hold trigger in SS mode and cycle the bolt with the charging hammer. If I open the upper up and the hammer is up, it works. That way you know if the carrier AR15 /bolt AR22 is doing its job.

Remove material from the top of the lever if the carrier and bolt bind in the rearward position. The SS lever for my AR15 does not work with the BB AR22 upper. That is way I mentioned there are different 2 different levers for my AR15 and AR22 for reliability.

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Jun 19, 2020
For hammer follow it could either be bolt bounce, or the bolt slowing down to much before chambering the round. The ss doesnt have a method of preventing the trigger from being pulled after the bolt goes home.
If the bolt is getting stuck back, it could either be a out of spec lever (hoffman tactical has a design packet with the specs) or what I have had more likely is the trigger bevel was a touch out of spec.


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Sep 4, 2007
Bolt bounce is a big thing on 22LR kits. It can make the bolt guide pull away feom the barrel. One of the upgrades I like about the Borebuddy 22LR kit over CMMG is there is a set screw that secures the barrel collar against the barrel instead of a ball detent CMMG uses.

Also when using the 22LR kit, the trip slides around on the bottom of the bolt for the SS. If the bolt is getting hard jammed when you pull back on the charging handle, it could mean that the lever is not in the trip pocket when the upper is being closed. Open the upper, cock the hammer, push lever against the hammer, slide the trip so the lever is in the trip pocket and close the upper.
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Apr 27, 2020
For hammer follow it could either be bolt bounce, or the bolt slowing down to much before chambering the round. The ss doesnt have a method of preventing the trigger from being pulled after the bolt goes home.
If the bolt is getting stuck back, it could either be a out of spec lever (hoffman tactical has a design packet with the specs) or what I have had more likely is the trigger bevel was a touch out of spec.

Have yet to run a single live round with a SS installed.

I'm running the upper by hand, slowly. I can watch the hammer follow the bolt. Even without a finger on the trigger the hammer follows.

In semi it works as expected. No longer getting stuck back. That's a hight clearance issue.
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Apr 27, 2020
Bolt bounce is a big thing on 22LR kits. It can make the bolt guide pull away feom the barrel. One of the upgrades I like about the Borebuddy 22LR kit over CMMG is there is a set screw that secures the barrel collar against the barrel instead of a ball detent CMMG uses.

Also when using the 22LR kit, the trip slides around on the bottom of the bolt for the SS. If the bolt is getting hard jammed when you pull back on the charging handle, it could mean that the lever is not in the trip pocket when the upper is being closed. Open the upper, cock the hammer, push lever against the hammer, slide the trip so the lever is in the trip pocket and close the upper.

Fictions fine on semi, follows on SS mode. Only running it by hand. Haven't made it to the range yet. still in the function check stage

My CMMG kit is old enough to be 100% phosphated. There is no detent or screw. Only 2 basic pieces, chamber insert, chassis and bolt. What I assume is the collar that sits in the locking area of the barrel is machined into my chamber insert. It's a very early one. Very reliable though. The chassis (bolt guide?) has wings that sit in machined detents on the chamber insert. It is not coming apart unless the chassis spreads some 0.100" inside the receiver.


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Apr 27, 2020
Played with it again this evening.

With the CMMG kit it will fire the first round in SS mode but will not push the hammer back far to catch the disconnector. I noticed in SS mode once the hammer falls the bolt cannot open all the way. Stops maybe 0.050" short. can't even pull the bolt back far enough to get it to stay back using the charging handle. Somehow something is different in SS mode than in semi.

In semi it all works perfect.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Sep 4, 2007
With the CMMG kit it will fire the first round in SS mode but will not push the hammer back far to catch the disconnector. I noticed in SS mode once the hammer falls the bolt cannot open all the way. Stops maybe 0.050" short. can't even pull the bolt back far enough to get it to stay back using the charging handle.
Is there a pocket for the lever to fit in on the printed trip? Sounds like the lever is not in the pocket.

Try function testing with a 556 upper.


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Apr 27, 2020

Is there a pocket for the lever to fit in on the printed trip? Sounds like the lever is not in the pocket.

Try function testing with a 556 upper.
100% in the pocket. Not really sure how it can come out.

I need to check pocket location next.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Sep 4, 2007
Are you using an unmodified detent pin?

From GMR website:

"Bolt bounce in Super Safety mode is another common occurrence and is frequently misdiagnosed as “light primer strikes” or the assumption that the trigger or hammer didn’t reset, and the hammer just rode the bolt into battery.

General tips : use the included detent , the domed side of the stainless detent goes up facing the Push Button Safety . Do not modify the detent, do not use an unmodified cone shaped OEM detent, do not cut the safety selector spring. The Push Button Safety should require some effort to switch from fire/SS/safe. It should not feel mushy or be able to switch positions on its own while shooting."

More problems fixes here.

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