Jeff Miller @ Hillbilly Firearms

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Sep 26, 2020
Eastern Oregon
I finally got my Galil today. I wrote a review of the first 'iteration' it went through - never ever never trust Northwest Gun Supply (Nampa Idaho) to do anything correctly. See here. Anyways, what a difference a good smith makes from dealing with drunken monkeys that most likely were fired by Century. Jeff spent a lot of time unbuilding the rifle - he machined off their craptastic logo, welded the bullet guide hole shut and redrilled (it was oversized), saved the brand new barrel they had managed to trash, put a nitride coating on all parts that doesn't come off with your fingernail, installed a KNS adjustable piston. He fitted my optics rail in the dovetail. He included a set of Izzy handguards which they must have kept from my parts kit and fitted them and the R4 handguards I sent him. Set the shoulder back on the barrel and got rid of their dremeled extractor cut out. The barrel is now correctly timed and populated. He also included a detailed list of everything done to the rifle, a bag full of parts 'they' signed off on (including the bolt with ground shoulders). I wish I would have just sent it to him in the first place.


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Aug 30, 2003
He is a joy to talk to...until he has your money and you have a problem with his work...


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Sep 26, 2020
Eastern Oregon
What you said on the Files is right - you have to take the good with the bad. Will this gun have problems? Don't know. I do know that it can't be any worse than the clowns that originally built it for me. He has a guarantee listed on his website, have you tried that route to resolve your issues with him? I don't know, I'm just happy that 2 years after I got a wild hair about a Galil, I have it and it's running 100%.
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May 4, 2019
He is a joy to talk to...until he has your money and you have a problem with his work...

I have had 4 builds done by Jeff. One of them had serious issues. I called him and he had zero issues with paying for the return shipping and upon inspection recognize the issue and paid for every bit of the fix and return shipping.

I also talk with him
About other builds and other things I
May want to try later and he is enjoyable every time

That is a terrible way to get return business!!! Of course it is!!!

So for every post by this person of his one experience, you Can find 20 like mine. I have yet to read of any other person with such disdain For Hillbilly..

I don’t know what happened or care at this point I am just saying it is one wave in the ocean of Galil’s. Surf your own!

Nice Rifle!!!!
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Oct 16, 2010
Here's one that Jeff built for me. It was a new demilled kit with the original barrel. It's on a numbers matching CNC Warrior receiver. Per my request, Jeff was the maker so it came to me on a Form 4.


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Mar 12, 2021
Alexandria, VA
Jeff is a great guy. Unfortunately, I've been waiting 10 months for him to add a picatinny rail to the surplus AR gas tube I sent him, or if he gets a new aluminum one CNC'd from scratch. In both cases, supply chain issues have been the roadblock from day 1.


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Aug 30, 2003
The first galil I ever built was 20 years ago. Virgin parts on an IMI receiver. Thanks again DANO for suppling all the parts. That gun is my benchmark for all galil is perfect.

No misfit bullet guide
No ground extractor to save time by skipping the extractor clearance cut.
No holes milled in the wrong spot
No welds on the receiver
No markings or custom work out of alignment
No trigger guide riveted in the wrong location...
No warps or deep tool marks in receiver

HBF may have a 20 happy to 1 hell bent out of shape customer ratio. I have no idea, but I have seen a lot of examples of his work (aside from the tiny bit I had him do) and my opinion is that he is WAY over rated. A confidence man, not a galil god. Hopefully a little public scrutiny will force him to step up his game.....and that is a win for the customers...

Does HBF nitride in house or is it sent out 3rd party?

I will say most of his work LOOKS great...the finish looks better than a lot of the IMI guns, but I would rather have a gun in the white or sprayed with BBQ spray paint that was perfectly built, than one that has a hand full of F ups and a beautiful nitride finish. And I am not saying that everything he has done has major problems or even minor problems....but they are out there. One day I may find a HBF for sell 3rd party....and if it is perfect, I will buy it and will surely post it up, FULL honest review.

More than anything, what bothers me is the fact that almost all build issue info regarding HBF and Tortort on the various forums are locked, modified and deleted. These issues should be pinned so new builders can have a heads up for things to double check before they start riveting, head-spacing, or put a finish on a build...the trickiest thing about building a galil, is dealing with the US made parts. These build issues should be pinned, its just INFO to help builders and even potential buyers/customers of the clones to be on the lookout for.

Take CAL50 for this date, still believes that his IMI bullet guide is not riveted in cockeyed in that Tortort 80 he is working on. Thread that barrel in your 80 to the edge of the barrel support and unscrew the barrel stub on the IMI receiver stub and Rescan that thing in the 3d scanner and run the numbers were the bolt needs clearance at lockup....Post it up with what you need to do to get the proper clearance (remill the receiver pocket) .....INFO to help out the new builders, people are jacking up builds left and right because of that one issue alone...(misfit bullet guides)


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Aug 6, 2006
I love it when people talk shit without the knowledge , equipment or ass to back it up.

You are also a Tort / Hillbilly Firearms troll ,and why you have been kicked out of other forums & lifetime ban from the AKFiles. Nice job !

Please do not mistake me for giving a shit about what you think but to be crystal clear you are full of shit here and every other forum you make BS claims.

To be specific my measurements of a demil factory Galil with factory bullet guide is virtually identical to my Tort receiver with riveted in factory guide.

The accuracy of my Faro laser scanner with Polyworks is just a tad more than your lead pencil and Chinese calipers.

What a blue laser scanner is and does~

Note the YZ center line distance and guide diameter from receiver / bore CL to the bullet guide WORKING surface.

Not the clearance surface that only an idiot ( you ) tries to measure from a barrel thread major / minor diameter that has jack shit to do with working surface guide height.

Units are mm so you might have to use your metric pencil.
I doubt you have a clue about what the numbers really mean anyway,lol.

The best help for new builders is to ignore people that are full of are the perfect example.








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UZI Talk Life Member
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Aug 11, 2006
Harpers Ferry, WV
The civility seems to disappear every time Tomelroy jumps in with his personnel issues with Hillbilly Firearms. From every thread I have seen that he jumps into on this it gets nasty & frankly I find it childish & petty. If he has a list of people that are unhappy, or proof of poor builds that would be one thing, but he doesn't. It also seems to revolve around a bullet guide...really!? It frankly is past the point of being old, it is just bothersome to those trying to enjoy the sight. Bottom line is if Jeff wasn't doing a good job, this would be the sight that would of brought that out. I say that having never dealt with Jeff & not being a friend of his. I have asked a few questions of him over the years & always received good information from him. That said, Tomelroy, give us a break plz.
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Aug 6, 2006
The civility seems to disappear every time Tomelroy jumps in with his personnel issues with Hillbilly Firearms.

....and Tort.
When you have few dozen posts and most of them are bashing a certain builder and receiver manufacturer its a clue.

The "Thanks again DANO for suppling all the parts" made me laugh hard.

Pretty sure that is / was Dana Reed in Fla. that was a known scammer and did some time in jail / prison for taking money for parts and either not delivering them or passing off junk parts for legit parts.
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Aug 30, 2003
Trying to keep it civil, just defending the attacks with the facts...and a CHALLENGE for the truth.

"prison for taking money for parts and either not delivering them or passing off junk parts for legit parts" That was my suggestion for Jeff Miller, after he took my money and tried to pass off that Junk Micro receiver as a legit part....who rewelds botched hammer, trigger and selector holes on a receiver and sells it as a legit part?....A honest professional mistake? or a shady con man? Then when I call him out, he says I agreed to pay full price for that crap.....please!

DANO = Dana Reed?, Nope.....

CAL50... You are the ultimate Troll on the subject Galil, you follow almost every post I have ever made on the subject...even my Youtube were you run under your alias even research my background when you found my name on an image hosting site, your trolling is so bad I just include you in my post, knowing your are lurking....... and how many galils have you built????....I am pretty sure you have never completed a galil build...but please finish it up and see how it day you might just have that "Ah ha" moment and you can rescan your build to figure out what the problem is...lack of clearance! Remebmer, I am just trying to help...these are real issues that people are dealing with here..even you.

Now here is the CHALLEGE for CAL50, the end all, be all..CHALLENGE....ONCE you get your trigger guard mag catch riveted on ......Post an unedited video of you screwing a galil barrel into your infamous Tort 80 (make sure you get some closeups of that bullet guide that is flush with the left side barrel support...just need to confirm you have not refitted it "my way" or the IMI way). Put a stripped bolt (no firing pin...for your safety, but do show some close ups of the bolt) and bolt carrier with recoil spring in your 80 along with a galil mag with some live rounds (no hammer ...nothing to impede the bolt or bolt carrier except that bullet hand cycle some the world how silky smooth that action is. Get some close ups of the bolt as it moves forward into lockup (from the top as well as the mag well with the magazine removed).....Make sure you coat that bullet guide with some PURPLE WIZARD layout fluid, so we can confirm no binding or rubbing on the bullet guide.....Have a third party video or set the camera on a stand so you can post a one take, unedited video. If your Tort 80 ( that you scanned with a Faro laser scanner,) functions flawlessly on this test, no binding, bottom of the bolt does not bind or rub on bullet guide while rotating into lockup...I LOSE....You WIN, I am done and I will NEVER repost pics of your flawed work on the bullet guide again. ANd if you want to put some money on it...I am have wasted alot of time trolling me and my findings on this subject...time to put it to an end....

I will be happy to post the same video for a Tort 100% and a HBF MICRO and what was needed to correct the problem.

BOSECOMAN...My major problems with JM were not the bullet guide...that was the icing on the cake....and i am sure people who understand the issue dont want to hear it again, but the info is for the new builder, not the seasoned builder who understands this issue...And sadly I actually do have a list of his victims. I have become the unofficial goto for HBF con jobs....most ask not to be identified....can hardly blame them....nothing like taking on the Posse suffering from Mass Formation Psychosis! But I am sure they would not mind me posting pics of the issues....will confirm before I do. But there are many pic already out there...........Somebody posted a pic of the grinding HBF did on a galil extractor/bolt over on the other day, is that the type of quality you would expect from an expert build? Too lazy to mill out an extractor relief cut? I would not be me crazy..

Remember there was a time i believed all the hype about Jeff Miller and expectations were high...thats why I had him do work...didnt turn out well, at first I thought the problems were isolated to me, now I know better, and I am continually finding out more and more...found out today that he sends the guns out for the Nitride finish (nothing wrong with that), but it was the one thing I really liked about his work.
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