Thanks to everyone for the continued interest. To be added to the Practical Solutions' wait lists please email:
The lists for conversion kits I'm tracking are as follows:
Tenko - M10
Tenko - M11
PS - M10/22
PS - M11/22
PS - M11380/22
Mak91/PS - M10/22
Mak91/PS - M10/308
Mak91/PS - M11/22
Mak91/PS - M11380/22
The Tenko conversions are the brainchild of Scott at A&S Conversions, he can provide updates for that project, as I'm sure the info I have is outdated.
The PS kits are .22 conversion kits for which we received determinations years ago, our M10/22 kit is currently in the hands of beta testers. The M11 and 380 kits are on the back burner, for now.
The Mak91/PS projects are the kits we are doing in collaboration with Mak91 and are the subject of this thread. It is true that the M11380/22 kit will be the first of which we will begin work.
Unfortunately, all R&D work has nearly ground to a halt due to the overwhelming influx of gunsmithing work and demand for our parts/accessories. In fact, a week or so ago, I took out of stock all items that are custom made which is basically all of our stocks and upper receivers, so that we can catch up on machining individual parts and gunsmithing work. There are only 3 of us and many of you and we are just having a hard time keeping up. I'm not complaining, in fact, we are grateful for the support from the MAC community, I am merely explaining where we are with things.
Thanks to Mak91 for requesting that everyone have patience and limit the questions to us. We don't know how much and we don't know when, but I promise we are doing our best to keep it moving.