Magazine refinishing: Old Sten Mags


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Nov 9, 2011
I've got a bunch of Sten mags converted to Suomi style that I use in my Max 31. My Sten mags were very rusty so I have them very well cleaned up after a few hours in my industrial tumbler. The problem now is that they are flash rusting and I need to coat them with something to stop the rust from returning.

Any bright ideas on how to coat the inside of the long magazines? I don't think I can get cerakote up there. Parkerizing seems hard...



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Jul 25, 2009
I've got a bunch of Sten mags converted to Suomi style that I use in my Max 31. My Sten mags were very rusty so I have them very well cleaned up after a few hours in my industrial tumbler. The problem now is that they are flash rusting and I need to coat them with something to stop the rust from returning.

Any bright ideas on how to coat the inside of the long magazines? I don't think I can get cerakote up there. Parkerizing seems hard...



Get some
Cold blue

I use Lucas bore solvent and ultrasonic cleaner in my tumbler that leaves a coat of oil on items, not water.

When you get it out get some brake cleaner (non chlorinated will be better for your hands) to degrease.

Wipe and quickly Use cold blue on some sort of brush or foam and coat it.

Wait until ready Then deactivate w water. dry and oil.


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Jul 25, 2009
If you use Lucas you can tumble and take out and it has a little oil on and won’t flash until your ready to dauber it w cold blue


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Jan 12, 2015
One of my friends did some AR Mags with AlumaHyde several years back. It seems to work pretty well.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Mar 23, 2010
Short term any light oil (WD-40, etc.) will keep them from rusting and is easily removed when you decide on a permanent coating.

As for a permanent coating, I'm sure that you know that STEN mags are terrible to load more than 25 rounds and even that is tough. Also, they don't always feed the best either. That said I would look for something that will be very, very smooth on the inside. Bluing or some other dunking type coating is probably the best because unless you can do electrostatic spraying getting in the long mag body with a thin and even coat will be a PITA. Parkerizing is easy, doesn't require much equipment* and is a dunk type coating but typically rough. If you can do it quickly and get good coverage without adding to the roughness and then hit it with a good teflon spray you might be OK. I've had pretty decent luck doing that. With parkerizing it's not too bad to paint the outside if you so choose.

How many are you talking about? How bad are they on the inside? STENS are really not worth putting a lot of money into but if yours are successfully modified then they are worth something.

* I have done parkerizing a few times with just a cheap stainless steel food service pan, like you see at buffets, and using my BBQ grille as a source of heat. Always came out well but it's a fine line between under coated and over coated (converted really). It seems to depend on the exact formulation of the steel so you have to watch each piece separately. I did some STEN mags of various producers and noticed that.


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Jan 15, 2003
Parkerize them

Sounds like you need to learn to cook.

It's not hard just takes a bit of work.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Jan 1, 2003
Redneck way, degrease with lacquer thinner and spray paint with BBQ paint. ;)


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Nov 9, 2011
Short term any light oil (WD-40, etc.) will keep them from rusting and is easily removed when you decide on a permanent coating.

As for a permanent coating, I'm sure that you know that STEN mags are terrible to load more than 25 rounds and even that is tough. Also, they don't always feed the best either. That said I would look for something that will be very, very smooth on the inside. Bluing or some other dunking type coating is probably the best because unless you can do electrostatic spraying getting in the long mag body with a thin and even coat will be a PITA. Parkerizing is easy, doesn't require much equipment* and is a dunk type coating but typically rough. If you can do it quickly and get good coverage without adding to the roughness and then hit it with a good teflon spray you might be OK. I've had pretty decent luck doing that. With parkerizing it's not too bad to paint the outside if you so choose.

How many are you talking about? How bad are they on the inside? STENS are really not worth putting a lot of money into but if yours are successfully modified then they are worth something.

* I have done parkerizing a few times with just a cheap stainless steel food service pan, like you see at buffets, and using my BBQ grille as a source of heat. Always came out well but it's a fine line between under coated and over coated (converted really). It seems to depend on the exact formulation of the steel so you have to watch each piece separately. I did some STEN mags of various producers and noticed that.

I've got 20 of them I'm wanting to refinish. They have had the brass-rail's modification so they only fit 20 rounds, but the brass rails make them work fairly well. I like these mags because I can take them to the range and give a "full" mag to a buddy but it's only 20 rounds. I'll save the Shockwave 50's for me :)


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Sep 19, 2004
Buy some of this:

Degrease your mags and fog the gearkote in both ends by centering the spraygun nozzle in the opening and giving it quick blips of the trigger. Examine after every blip, if it is getting heavy let dry and swap ends. Also helps to rotate mag 90 degrees each time so gravity is helping deposit the paint on the bottom side. May not get a perfect coating but good enough to prevent rust and also lube up the innards. Bake to harden finish. I suggest using a gas grill with some AL foil over the grate to diffuse the heat, and a rack to set them on. Or you can leave a window open and use the kitchen oven, we'll send flowers to your funeral if the Wife comes home early...

Works great on the outside of AL AR15 mags as well. Had a bunch of "grey and gold" milsurp mags back during the AW ban, after a quick spritz of this stuff they looked almost new. Held up pretty good too.
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