UZI Talk Life Member

As with most things the original plan went to heck.
Was hoping to have had the bolts done by now but my cnc ship picked up a DOD contract and my run got bumped.
I am talking to a couple of other shops getting quotes now. Will initiate the run after the new year.
I don't have a hard price right now but would figure in the $650 range for a heavy bolt. $450 for a plain bolt.
All will have extractors.
I will be making both 9mm and 45acp bolts for the mini's. Plain or Heavy.
Can notch them for Micro's also($50 extra).
If you have contacted me already about a bolt I have your email.
I will update this post as things move along.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Was hoping to have had the bolts done by now but my cnc ship picked up a DOD contract and my run got bumped.
I am talking to a couple of other shops getting quotes now. Will initiate the run after the new year.
I don't have a hard price right now but would figure in the $650 range for a heavy bolt. $450 for a plain bolt.
All will have extractors.
I will be making both 9mm and 45acp bolts for the mini's. Plain or Heavy.
Can notch them for Micro's also($50 extra).
If you have contacted me already about a bolt I have your email.
I will update this post as things move along.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!