Mini Uzi Open Bolt Buffer...?


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 24 / 0 / 0
Nov 5, 2006
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but the search feature not working for me here on UT.

I've been running my open bolt Mini with just a thin fiber buffer adapted from a full size.
It seems to me that something stouter made from urethane etc might be better? I'm thinking it's taking a beating. I also recently got one of Troy's .45 conversions.
Maybe put this buffer in the back of the receiver and run with the thin fiber one since it's captured on the recoil spring assembly?
Thickness? 1/4"? I def don't wanna speed up the cyclic rate.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Dec 25, 2002
I can't find the old thread but back in the day M60Joe experimented with some spongy material to put in the back of the receiver to try to slow the cyclic rate down. This was before BarrelXchange made heavy bolts. I can't recall how much it slowed it down if any but I think I still have some of this material. I think it would help definitely help cushion the impact.
All that said, I have a .40SW barrel and a 9/40 heavy bolt from BarrelXchange. I never shot it much as I've always been concerned with excess wear w/ calibers above 9mm. I think someone posted on here about the same thing.
One of my friends did do a .45 Super setup for this full size UZI and it broke the weld off the back of his transferrable UZI. BWE fixed it before he passed away.


Well-known member
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Feb 12, 2024
New Hampshire
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but the search feature not working for me here on UT.

I've been running my open bolt Mini with just a thin fiber buffer adapted from a full size.
It seems to me that something stouter made from urethane etc might be better? I'm thinking it's taking a beating. I also recently got one of Troy's .45 conversions.
Maybe put this buffer in the back of the receiver and run with the thin fiber one since it's captured on the recoil spring assembly?
Thickness? 1/4"? I def don't wanna speed up the cyclic rate.
I run 1/4” factory buffers in mine


UZI Talk Supporter
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Jan 15, 2003
I remember someone mentioning they cut a piece of neoprene from a old wetsuit to dampen recoil.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 24 / 0 / 0
Nov 5, 2006
I've always been concerned with excess wear w/ calibers above 9mm. I think someone posted on here about the same thing.
You would think that if the Uzi wasn't up to the task, IMI would never have offered it in .45?
I don't know if it's in Dave's book, but I have an ad from Action Arms for the Mini Carbine in .45. Maybe poor sales of the Mini or the Bush ban nixed that idea before any were produced/imported?
Anyone else hear of .45 Uzi conversions falling apart/damaging guns?


UZI Talk Supporter
Feedback: 7 / 0 / 0
Dec 22, 2003
If you look at the factory 45acp Micros, they are reinforced in the rear. I bet the 45 is hard on them.
Now if the 380 ammo wasn't so expensive, I could get interested in a 380 Micro.
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Staff member
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Dec 25, 2002
I've been running my open bolt Mini with just a thin fiber buffer adapted from a full size.
It seems to me that something stouter made from urethane etc might be better? I'm thinking it's taking a beating. I also recently got one of Troy's .45 conversions.
Maybe put this buffer in the back of the receiver and run with the thin fiber one since it's captured on the recoil spring assembly?
Thickness? 1/4"? I def don't wanna speed up the cyclic rate.
That's how a factory IMI Mini UZI was configured. They had a black rubber buffer about 1/4" thick. The recoil spring/rod didn't have a fiber buffer on the end. The bare end of the spring/rod inserted into a hole in the black buffer and rested against the back of the receiver. Vector used the red fiber buffers because of parts availability. It was easiest for them to convert the recoil spring from a full size UZI.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 24 / 0 / 0
Nov 5, 2006
I FINALLY received the buffer sold on GB tonight. Seller shipped on 12/30. USPS is a horrible mess in my metro area.
Very nicely made. It has a hole where you could run just the recoil spring without an attached the original Mini.
Here's the seller's reply to my query regarding it being a Blackjack.

Blackjack is a hard plastic.
The buffer on GB is neoprene rubber.
Hard, but at least offers some recoil suppression.
Anything added to block up the space will increase ROF.
But the mini was designed with a buffer requirement.
Occasionally, the rear end cap comes off from the abuse.
Micro uses a folded and welded rear sheet metal to mitigate the problem.
There are two recoil spring options.
One with a buffer to the rear of spring.
One without a buffer. Although there may be a bored hole buffer added.


UZI Talk Life Member
Feedback: 0 / 0 / 0
Dec 2, 2020
I FINALLY received the buffer sold on GB tonight. Seller shipped on 12/30. USPS is a horrible mess in my metro area.
Very nicely made. It has a hole where you could run just the recoil spring without an attached the original Mini.
Here's the seller's reply to my query regarding it being a Blackjack.

Blackjack is a hard plastic.
The buffer on GB is neoprene rubber.
Hard, but at least offers some recoil suppression.
Anything added to block up the space will increase ROF.
But the mini was designed with a buffer requirement.
Occasionally, the rear end cap comes off from the abuse.
Micro uses a folded and welded rear sheet metal to mitigate the problem.
There are two recoil spring options.
One with a buffer to the rear of spring.
One without a buffer. Although there may be a bored hole buffer added.
I just ordered one of the ebay buffers

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