Does anyone have a trigger assembly drawing for a mini 14 converson done by Hard Times Armory. (JD Farmer). I have a broken spring to repair but do not know where it fits.
Thanx for the photos but your trigger assembly is different than mine. I also have a selector for semi to full auto. I have most of the old spring to build a new one and maybe figure out where it fell from.
Thanx for the photos but your trigger assembly is different than mine. I also have a selector for semi to full auto. I have most of the old spring to build a new one and maybe figure out where it fell from.
I created a new spring and my converted Ruger Mini 14 operated properly in full auto. It took a lot of imagination and mechanical genius to finally figure out where the old spring fit but with a lot of luck it worked!
I will save photos and details for anyone with a JD Farmer(Hard Times Armory) conversion that needs help.