David was a dear friend. He and I began a correspondence about 10 years ago that has continued on and off ever since. We talked far more about family and history than Sterlings. I hope for healing for his wife Dorothy, his daughter and his extended family. David was an amazing person. So many older folks tune out to technological change. Not David. He was an active Skype user back when it was in its infancy. Later he was sending out emails from his new iPad.
David served during WW2 in the home guard towards war's end IIRC. He vividly remembered living through the German siege. He experienced hardships, suffering and loss as did so many of his countrymen. David's boyhood home was destroyed by a 2000 pound German bomb that landed in the garden next door. It went off when EOD was trying to diffuse it. Two months later his his step father and step aunt were killed in an air raid. David on several occasions lamented that so few in the UK now appreciate just how dire things had become before Americans entered the war. In addition to the holiday season cards, he often sent me greetings on July 4 which I appreciated greatly.
David and Dorothy tied the knot in 1946 in an old Norman church that still lacked a roof from being burned out in the war. They had a long, happy life together and he seemed to enjoy his peaceful retirement. I'll miss getting his notes and Jacquie Lawson e-cards. Happy trails, my friend.