Semi MPA-30 eating sears left and right.


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Mar 29, 2005
I have had my MPA-30 for over a year now and have taken it out to shoot twice.

The first magazine it started to double and sometimes triple fire. I open her up and find that the sear plate has a chip on the end towards the back of the gun.

Get a replacement sear from MPA

Installed sear, took out to property.
First magazine 5th shot it starts to double and triple AGAIN.
Open her up and what do I find? Notch in the new sear in the same place. I threw it in my safe and pursued other projects.

Anyone have this problem? When I installed the new sear and manually simulated the squeeze and release cycle of the trigger the hammer and sear functioned just as they should have. I could NOT (no matter how hard I tried) get it to malfunction. I did it with the upper off, the upper on... ect. Only when I shot it did it take a chunk out of the sear.

Anyone had this type of problem?


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Mar 4, 2004
Eating sears

Current M11/9 internals are all cast...and most are castings of casting. Contact Wildmann43. I think he might be able to help you with his new machined hardened steel parts.

Brian Ski

UZI Talk Life Member
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Jul 25, 2003
Northern Indiana
Anybody knowledgeable at MPA that can come to the phone and maybe answer some questions??? Maybe there is a problem with the way the bolt hits the sear.... Or an alignment problem....


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Oct 22, 2004
I had a MPA in .45 that was great! I traded it because I was going in a deffernt direction i.e. 9mm and it was HEAVY!

Mine never had any sort of problems. Your problem with the doubles isnt really a problem, it is fine the way it is! ;)

The only problem I had with mine is that those half washers that grab on the trigger pin got lost somewhere, and I had to order them from MPA. Other thatn that, the gu was fine.
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