Hi all, I took out my trigger pack from my SP5K and now I can't get the selector switch to rotate to get it set in again. Any idea s what I may be doing wrong?
When you put the 2nd selector back in, make sure to depress the small lever on top of the pack so that
the 2nd selector goes all the way in and will properly rotate...
Little lever should be black and be about the size of a paperclip...
Re seat the trigger pack in the lower and when you install the left side selector make sure it clicks in all the way(as matt said there is a little lever you press in when you install the lever). You should be able to then install the right side lever and rotate.
PS: the reason i was doing this was to put in a binary trigger pack. I wound up putting the trigger pack in my DJ Getz clone. Just test fired it and works fine. Thanks again for help all.