Sterling Barrels
I would like to make a barrel for my original sterling parts kit but can't find a print, any know of a source to get a print or maybe someone has a barrel I could make a print from? I'll make these in batches of ten or twelve in both original length and 16" once I have a drawing.
Additionally, apparently the aftermarket semi-autos built from original parts kits have a different configuration? I am not sure why, technically there is no legal reason for that. Perhaps it was a loop the ATF made the manufacturer jump through in gaining approval to re-make and sell these but just because there is a "bolt on" short barrel available for a specific firearm does not mean it is a class 3 item. Now if you owned a long and short barrel and only owned a carbine weapon, that would probably be actionable but if you owned a carbine length weapon that a smg barrel could be used on "if" you bought it, so what, every AR-15 on the market fits that description.
I am not a lawyer and that is not legal advice, it's just common sense.
In any case, I would like to have a print for the aftermarket barrels too. If anyone has one they can measure accurately and send me a print I will give them a discount on a barrel from the first batch... the same goes for the standard SMG barrel.
I would pay shipping both ways and turn the thing around in 24 hours if you would be willing to ship to me for measuring and drawing up a print.
Rick Thompson LLC
Fort Wayne, IN