Take Everything you thought you knew and throw it out the window


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Dec 12, 2017
I stay up on NFA pricing as well as I can- especially now that I have been seeing prices on MGs skyrocket. But this is something else.... I have never seen a Magnum Research 338, but my assumption leads me to believe that it was a select fire version of the 332 meant for LE departments. I have no knowledge on how many model 338s were imported, or where they ended up, but one just popped up and the closing bid blew my mind. Now, I have a connection to this auction- a friend of mine bid on it, and if you read the description, you'll see that it was originally listed as a fully transferable, but later corrected AFTER the auction closed to be a pre-86 dealer sample "keeper." Since that was the case, the top bidders have waived their bid as it is not fully transferable, and they are going down the line asking people to put in an offer. My friend is currently up. He has about 3 hours to make an offer or pass. Either way you slice it, that is a lot of money for that gun. It does come from a very esteemed collection; that of J.R. Moody. If you travel in the NFA circles, you probably know the name. The gun is PRISTINE. It has a serial number that leads me to believe it was the 33rd gun made in existence.


Does ANYBODY know anything about this model? Provenance, amount imported, anything?
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UZI Talk Life Member
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Apr 28, 2012
Fwiw, They announced it was a pre86 dealer sample rather than transferable
at the start of bidding…. Clearly people were not listening…

My guess 30-40k


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Dec 12, 2017
I didn't watch the auction and he apparently had someone bid on his behalf since he was in a bad reception spot. The crazy part of this is that the auction ended at 90k, with a buyer's premium taking it over $110k. Even as a transferrable, that is an insane amount, unless I am seriously underestimating the rare nature of this model.

Mr Folgers

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Aug 5, 2010
Now that is a rare beast indeed... first 338 I have ever seen in the US. There is a handful of 336 and 337's but that is the first SAR.


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Oct 24, 2011
Des Moines
The select fire on .308 Galil’s is different than .556. It does not require a 3rd pin. Crazy Huh! I believe there is a schematic that shows a detailed view of the select fire .308 Galil.

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