Thoughts on future UZI SMG prices


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Jun 21, 2018
If it's not a Pre May/Dealer Sample... bend over and grab your ankles real good.


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Mar 19, 2017
Central Ohio
There are a few guys out there waiting for a second chance at the amnesty. I’m pretty sure they will not live long enough to see that happen. Who knows what will happen at the estate sale…

Dirk Hawthorne

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May 22, 2023
It's too bad that there are so few factory IMIs in the registry. I wonder how many there are?

It makes it a lot harder to get a handle on the price.

Auctions can be kind of weird, especially high end auction houses. Prices vary from a pretty good deal to crazy stupid high. I'm sure you guys have all seen that plenty of times.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Jan 21, 2010
North Alabama
I will cast my "dissenting opinion", but basically I agree that prices will increase overall, maybe not till there is another "gun collection scare". There have been periods that prices have temporarily gone down. We are in one of those periods right now. NOW is the time to buy again! The "gun market" is somewhat depressed right now, maybe because some folks are optimistic that the NFA will go away or some of the Pre-Mays are being reclassified. I have heard there are only 17,000 guns on the NFTR in this classification, and every "new' Dealer wants his share, which drives these prices up. The old standard was that a Pre May was worth 1/2 of a Transferable...look at this market now. I have seen Pre May Thompson's selling (asking price) for as much or more than a Transferable.

As with the "Hearing Protection Act", an ATF Agent told me that ATF collects around 25 plus million per year in tax on Silencers. They fund a State of the Art Range in Quantico for all Government Agencies to use. Think HPA will ever pass???

I don't think HPA will ever pass, nor will the NFA go away. Unless, some really smart lawyer can negate the Byrd Amendment that was defeated 4 times in the Tax Act of 1985, then passed on the 5th was either 3 of 4 or 4 of 5 and I believe the latter was the case. There have been some obscure Federal Court rulings that would allow some change. My old buddy, Nick Hope of Rock Creek Gun Service, used to keep up with these, but I never took copious notes on these, so please don't "hate" on my post for this or the above.

Just some thoughts...


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Jul 29, 2011
The NFA isn't going anywhere.

There will never be a time when FA is only as restricted as title 1 firearms and you'll never, ever walk into a Wallmart and ask to see the M60 in the rack, pay for it and fill out a 4473 and take it home.

There are only a limited number of legal MG's available in the USA. And every year, more kids turn 21 and become eligible (by age) to own them, and every year old owners pass on and because they didn't have their affairs in order, the relatives didn't know what he has was legal and just called the police to dispose of it, or threw them in a lake or landfill.
So the market for these limited number of MGs increases every year, and the number of MGs decreases. And that's not a metric that's going to change anytime soon.

Transferable UZI prices are more or less stable. There's always going to be market fluctuations, but on average, you're only likely to see a sub-$1000 increase across the board on transferable full sized UZIs in a given year.

So as always, the time to buy was yesterday, but you won't see a giant increase in price in the next year either (baring any unforseen new laws or regs).


UZI Talk Supporter
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Aug 9, 2004
Miami, Florida
Total speculation here, but if Brandon Herrera or someone likeminded became head of ATF and announced a new 90 day amnesty for registration, I could see companies and private individuals waiting 'till midnight of the day it starts and beginning a whole bunch of builds for the next three months which could flood the market. Yeah, I know it's unlikely but a guy can dream can't he? :)


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Jul 29, 2011
If there ever was an amnesty, I suspect it would only be for undeclared war trophies. Actual bring backs that missed the '68 registration period. Not for guys to drill as many 3rd holes in AR lowers as they could in 90 days, or register as many Glock switches as they could afford.
They would probably want pics of the firearms being registered to ascertain if they look to be vintage and original. Not a rewelded RPD or AK kit built up from a flat.
And if that were the case, they'd have to hire some "experts" knowledgeable enough to tell if something was an intact original or if someone was trying to pass of a kit build as "grandpa's war trophy".
That expense and hassle alone would be excuse reason enough for them to not have such an amnesty.


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Jan 17, 2025
Port Orange fl
I’ve owned an an Uzi Model A since the early 1980’s. Had it converted in (legally) 😂in 1983. I have thought about parting with it for a long time. Probably time to do it? I would like to get a fair price for it but I really am not sure what that would be?


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Jul 29, 2011
Depending on how it was converted and it's condition, between $13-$18k.


New member
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Jan 17, 2025
Port Orange fl
Depending on how it was converted and it's condition, between $13-$18k.
Thanks! I’m going to take it out to the range and test fire it. I haven’t fired it in a long while. It has always been very reliable.
Sounds like it’s on the low side of your estimate. Registered receiver with the blocking bar still in place.

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