BWE Firearms
UZI Talk Life Member

In this thread I will be posting information about Uzi gunsmithing and Uzi parts information I have learned over the years.
what do you think of the extra safety on German guns that keeps bolts back when safety is on . worth making it fit the gun or just cut of the grip ?
If you don't want your Uzi to go off when you jump out of a truck simply close the bolt on an empty chamber then put the magazine in. It doesn't get any safer then that.
That works for the Uzi with its grip safety. Not so much for some other open bolt subguns. The MAC-style subguns have a heavy enough recoil spring that I can't see there being much of an issue with them firing if dropped either.^^ This right here. This is how a submachinegun should be carried in a vehicle. Bolt closed on empty chamber, selector on semi. All you have to do to ready it is run the action and it's already on semi so it takes an affirmative decision to select automatic fire.
That works for the Uzi with its grip safety. Not so much for some other open bolt subguns. The MAC-style subguns have a heavy enough recoil spring that I can't see there being much of an issue with them firing if dropped either.
But I can see where a gun like a STEn or a Sterling could have problems if dropped on the butt from very high up (like out of a truck). The springs are relatively weak for the weight of the bolt, and I can see where it would not be that hard to get the bolt to travel far enough to strip a round from the magazine. It's actually more safe to keep them cocked with the bolt handle in the "safety" notch.