As Root said, these parts were all over GB a few years ago. I bought a mess of the parts, mags, mag adapters, bolts, barrel inserts and it had a like booster washer that went at the base of the barrel insert/chamber.
I dont know what you would call it, it was not a booster that threaded on the front for backpressure, like a little washer floating chamber breach. Practical Solutions 22lr kit used one also.
Got one to work. I found it to be unreliable, get 5 rounds jam, get 7 jam, 2 jam, 1 jam. I gave up completely on 22lr for the M10 series. I could never get a full mag dump with the sentinal or PS. The practical solutions one which was better, but about the same reliability I believe the PS fault was only the magazines.
I got a AM15 Gen 1 upper, its cool, but has faults also. Never could get a full dump, multiple failures on a 125 drum. After 2x 125 round drums (not dumps, bursts) I have to wire brush out flakes and flakes of lead coating in the barrel/bore. Doesnt matter if they are CCI copper coated or straight led 22lr. Relube the hell out of it before I can run again. I think their gen 2 will have the same problem, just will take 3 to 4 drums before having to clean it out.