A new MAC video, with some UK history.


UZI Talk Life Member
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Feb 16, 2007
I like that video.
At first I thought that was actor Steve Buscemi using a British accent.
Good presentation and interesting content.
Thanks for posting that


UZI Talk Life Member
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Dec 11, 2022
Cool, don’t see much about those section 5 Ltd guns other than British newspaper articles about criminals ending up with a whole bunch of them. In Europe the demill requirements are much looser than the US, receivers don’t need to be destroyed… just barrels and other internal parts. I suppose it’s not as easy in some of those countries to get replacement parts for SMGs… but apparently it’s not very difficult either since they are constantly seizing SMGs that were re-activated in one way or another. The de-watt Uzis in England only require a good barrel and bolt from what I have gathered, same with the MACs.

That is a very early MAC in the beginning. I think he is mistaken when he says the first SF gun is a closed bolt semi. I think it’s an open bolt semi. It has a selector delete sear pin and the open bolt safety switch… I don’t think it’s possible for that safety to function without an open bolt sear. He never cocked the action, at least I didn’t catch it if he did.. I think it’s an open bolt semi and I was not aware section 5 ever made a semi auto gun but damn do I wish I could find one!

Edit: finished the video, not surprised that basically all the guns in the video are the reactivated guns I mentioned earlier. Kind of ironic that the only guns they have to display in the UK are illegally rebuilt Demills. I thought we were the ones with a “gun problem”…. But our criminals are very rarely packing true SMGs. Prior to the advent of the glock switch, machine guns were fairly unheard of amongst the criminal element here in the states… lots of semi autos, but not much in the way of full auto, at least not since the old Wild West days of the 70s and 80s, and even then it was rare.
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UZI Talk Life Member
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Dec 11, 2022
Not having seen the video yet, my guess is the IRA smuggled MACs into the UK?
Nope. There was an outfit in the UK that manufactured their own version of the Ingram. They are long out of production but the demill regulations are very loose out there. All it takes is a live barrel and bolt to reactivate one of the demilled SMGs. Basically all the guns in the video are illegally rebuilt dummy guns or blank firers.

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