Thank you for posting the link to that article. The article mentioned the South American market for Minis and ACs. Back around '80, or so, I was living and working in York, PA. One of the guys in our department was going out with this little hottie living in DC. He was an avid gun nut and spent every weekend with her in DC. Who could blame him. It turned out this fine young thing was a Columbian national and worked at the Columbian Embassy. For Christmas that year, she presented him with a NIB, stainless, collapsible stock, Mini-14 GB that had a Columbian State Seal engraved on the top of the receiver. That was one of the nicest and most unique Rugers I ever laid my eyes on. That said, our young Columbian secretary looked even finer. I sure hope the years have treated her well.
THAT sounds like a good deal!
Thanks for the link, I remember watching old A-Team episodes when I was very young but I noticed their prominent use of this gun- and their very poor marksmanship.. maybe that was part of the marketing problem- those guys used these in frequent shoot outs but rarely hit anyone.. classic!
the show was good enough to make it into a movie 20+ years later....its not uncommon, but then again what % of 1980's tv shows become movies in the end....less than 1%?......Night Rider & air wolf didnt make the cut (both heavily watched by me as a kid)
Be patient, the crap machine is hard at work. They'll get to those to.
My step dad was (he passed away) a career helicopter mechanic and as a boy he took me to a hanger (not his work) where THE air wolf was sitting. It had no guns or any shred of TV cladding but the shape and paint were undeniable even as a kid. Got to sit in it- I was on cloud 9 that day.
Man, y'all scared me off of the AC556. I didn't realize how uncontrollable it is.
Man, y'all scared me off of the AC556. I didn't realize how uncontrollable it is.